January 28, 2022

Is Officeless Agency a Scam? Is It Legit? Or Something You Must Avoid?

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Ads are pretty common these days, and they're quite rampant.

One of the most viral and the particular ad I'm talking about came from Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony's Officeless Agency.

It’s made quite a stir in the digital world because of its claims that it can make you rich fast.

But do ads like this get you asking if they're even legit, to begin with? I thought the same as well. That's why I wrote this article...

Is Officeless Agency a legit way to make money online? Or is it more of a scam that you should avoid? All of these questions will be answered in this honest to goodness review.

This Officeless Agency review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Officeless Agency Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Officeless Agency

Founder: Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony

Type: Lead generation

Price: $9.98

Best for: No one

Officeless Agency Pros

Officeless Agency Cons

  • Sales page is trying too much 
  • Guarantees are hard to reach
  • Many bad reviews
  • Questionable line of products
  • Shady business model


Officeless Agency is a marketing scheme that claims to have a proven business model that helps you thrive even if there is an economic crisis with the help of a predictable and regular revenue stream.

Make Time Online Rating: 10 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Officeless Agency about?

Officeless Agency is a marketing scheme that claims to have a proven business model that thrives during an economic crisis. 

I don't know about you, but that's a bold statement to say...

The founders of this course claim that whoever buys the Officeless Agency will produce consistent and predictable revenue.

They say that anyone who tries the Officeless Agency will earn anywhere - even in their homes' comfort...

With Officeless Agency and its business model, you will be able to buy leads for other business owners. The founders claim that these business owners will be happy to become your customers and pay you every month.

Check out this 1-minute video about Officeless Agency...

Keep in mind that this is just through running alleged online billboard ads that are easy to set up and manage. Again, bold claim after bold claim. 

When you check out the sales page, you'll find a massive block of text that would look like a dialogue between the owners. For a sales page, you'd think that it would be brief and concise. But it's like reading an entire passage of a book.

The only believable claim was when they said they'd tried different marketing avenues, but everything failed. According to the founders, other businesses like e-commerce, Amazon affiliate marketing, building info products, and the like never worked for them. 

It wasn't until they discovered the "Officeless Agency" business model that they were able to start making serious profit. Quite the success story, right? 

The block of text continues with them that the business model they discovered allowed them to earn significant amounts of money and live a truly wealthy life. Again, their flair for dramatics is quite evident in their statements. 

So the founders (at least that's who I think are talking in this incredibly long dialogue) spent years mastering this concept. They also claim to have spent millions in errors and mistakes to perfect their strategy. That way, you won't have to make the same mistake as they did.

They also admitted that Office Agency isn't the only way you can earn a living online. However, they did claim that it's the simplest.

And who are the guys behind this?...

Who is Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony?

Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony are both online marketers who claim to have multi-million dollar marketing businesses.

They started from scratch by running simple ads on the internet. They worked for companies looking for online exposure and were very good at their craft...

Abdul and Chance are also experienced coaches who teach students how to set-up and run a pay-per-click (PPC) advertising company.

They claim to be big names in the digital marketing industry, known for their courses. Some of their notable courses include "The Millionaire Middleman, an unknown entrepreneurial course, and Officeless Agency...

However, many of their courses don't have the right sales page. Some even have sales pages that are hard to find. When you get to the page, you'll find that buying the course is quite difficult and complicated.

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How does Officeless Agency Work?

If you can go to YouTube, you can find videos about how Officeless Agency works. In one video, you can see Abdul Samad talking about the success stories of people who tried their courses.

Officeless Agency is quite hard to grasp at first. From my experience, I thought that it's a full-on leads generation course.

However, in the middle of the videos, the founders also talk about social media marketing. They'll even teach you how to do Facebook ads...

Inside Officeless Agency

Officeless Agency is a series of courses. Signing for this program will give you access to the following:

  • Officeless Agency quick-start class.
  • 1-hour bonus training.
  • FREE "Jet-set" travel secrets.
  • "Exploding Niches" research report.
  • Proven $94,000 per month client funnel
  • Instant high-paying clients secrets

Looking at these titles, you'd think they're all serious professional courses that will give you extreme value.

Unfortunately, all of these course titles are just bluff as to what they actually contain, at least from my experience.

Officeless Agency also offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. That means you'll have a full month to go through the Office less Agency program "risk-free." However, if it involves signing in with your credit card, it will still worry people. 

The founders even claim that they're not in it for the money but more on helping people reach what they've reached. I don't know about you, but nine-times-out-of-ten, people who say they're not after the money are lying.

However, there is that alleged money-back guarantee, so I guess they're trying to lure people with this entire risk-free approach.

All you need is to fill out the billing details, give the program a try, and you've got nothing to lose. But remember, the moment you get the course, they also have your billing information.

Also note that there are a lot of other courses out there that are very similar to this, such as:

Check out this other 10-minute video that dives deeper into Officeless Agency...

And what about the costs?...

Officeless Agency cost to join

So the long and winding sales page claims that Office Agency is a course that normally sells for around $497.

But for some odd reason, it's currently given at a 98% discount. Woah! Now that's something you wouldn't want to miss out on. 

But if you think about it, why would they do that? If their course is really that effective, wouldn't they sell it at a more reasonable price? I mean, $9.98 is an excellent price for a course. But isn't it suspicious how low the price is?

There has to be a catch...

Again, all you need is to pay the price, and the 2-hour training video is all yours.

Officeless Agency monthly cost

The training program doesn't have a monthly cost.

Instead, it has a one-time payment of only $9.98...

However, you might also need to use other tools such as:

  • ClickFunnels- $97 a month- (totally not needed until you have created your own product or have your own business up and running- you can use Elementor & Mailchimp for free if you want to test a Funnel)
  • Keysearch- $17-$34 a month (keyword research tool)
  • Hosting and domain (Bluehost is known for the highest affiliate payout. It seems cheap for your first year but then it's $100+ a year- and it has pretty poor support and is very slow. I'd recommend Namecheap or Siteground any day before this.)
  • Getresponse - $15+ a month (Email autoresponder)
  • Ads - $100+ a month (otherwise they are a waste of time... and money... and they are VERY hard to make work for affiliate products any more!)

You need these so you can fully utilize the learnings you got from the course...

Officeless Agency reviews online

Officeless Agency is a marketing scheme that claims to have a proven business model that helps you thrive even if there is an economic crisis with the help of a predictable and regular revenue stream.

But what you want to know is if it works or not. To answer that, here are some of the reviews from its subscribers...

Common positive Officeless Agency reviews

It doesn't come as a surprise that Officeless Agency doesn't have any positive reviews.

While there are a few, I'd assume that they are all made-up.

So they're not worth showing...

Common negative Officeless Agency reviews

When I looked up online reviews for the Officeless Agency, I was shocked at the negative reviews it has. I mean, sure, it's safe to say that the program is a scam. But to get this much hate from people is just crazy. 

Here are some examples of negative reviews posted by people who have tried Officeless Agency:

"It's a scam!!!! Even though it wasn't much, I paid 10$ (as a discount from $97$). Then it sent me to this page, where Abdul gave me a short 18-minute video about how he is giving a discount to the same $497 but for only 9$ this time. He also said at the end of the video that it would load me up to the next page where I get what I paid for, but it didn't. DON'T DO IT GUYS."

"The people behind Officelessagency are conscienceless and evil. Based on Trustpilot reviews and people who had their first-hand experience with officelesssagency, don't put another step closer as you will surely get burned. It's a SCAM!"

"Officeless Agency is a scam. I bought the course and didn't even receive the 2-hour training video that they claim. What a bunch of scammers."

Is Officeless Agency a scam?

It's pretty cut and dry at this point, yes, Officeless Agency is a scam.

There's too much evidence that supports the claim that I'm not even going to argue about it. From angry people who tried the course to the sales page itself, everything about it just screams "scam."

I would not recommend people to buy this course. Looking at the course details, it's pretty clear to anyone that this course is bogus and deceptive...

Common positive reviews

Here are some of the positive reviews we had from Trust Pilot about the job opportunity...

  • "The course was very insightful - but I felt it was only a taste of the real deal. Obviously that's the intent, but after watching the content, one could definitely take this model and run with it."
  • "Abdul and Chance give you a lot of info in this course. I learned a lot and hope to start my agency in the next few days."

Negative reviews

And here are the common negative reviews...

  • "I felt like some of the videos took an hour or more to get about 10min worth of information."
  • "The info was good but the amount of time you take to deliver it is frustrating...I almost stopped watching multiple times."

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Officeless Agency pros

It shouldn't come as a surprise that the Officeless Agency training program doesn't have any pros to talk about.

Kudos to Abdul and Chance for pulling off something like this, but they're not fooling anyone...

Officeless Agency cons

#1 Sales page is trying too much

I have to be honest; I didn't know where to begin with the cons for Officeless Agency. There are just too many to mention. However, I will start with the sales page.

If a sales page features a long block of text explaining the product, it's probably not going to be good.

A strong sales pitch is great, but it's a different story when it's clearly trying too much.

The very long speech on the sales page is too salesy, at least for my taste. It would be better if the list created bullets instead explaining the benefits of Officeless Agency.

They should've added a space talking about ways on how to make money from the program...

#2 Guarantees are hard to reach

The promises that are said on this program are just too hard to believe.

When buying a course, it's essential to look if the pledges are legit or too good to be true.

When a product makes absurd promises, that's an indication that it's probably going to be a scam. There's just no other way around it. So always be on the look-out for red flags like this one...

#3 Many bad reviews

Again, even though the program was a scam, I was shocked by the amount of negative reviews it's been getting.

Every online review has the word "scam" on it, which is saying something...

From Reddit, Trustpilot, quora, and other platforms, the Officeless Agency has a pretty bad reputation. Until they make drastic changes to their program, I'm afraid that it will always be labeled a scam.

#4 Questionable line of products

I mentioned before that both Abdul Samad and Chance Anthony have multiple online courses.

What I didn't tell you was that most of their courses are already closed down. 

That's why I had a hard time finding their sales page. How can you state your concerns about their course if you can barely find a working email or website right?

The same will be said for Officeless Agency in the near future as it continues to accumulate negative reviews...

#5 Shady business model

Finally, I would also like to include their shady business model. It involves Facebook social media marketing and paid ads.

These types of ads can be costly and a bit difficult to scale. 

That's why I found it hard to believe that you can make easy money out of their strategies, as their business model is hard and grueling by nature.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

My opinion - Officeless Agency

Judging from my experience and other people's feedback, it's pretty clear that Officeless Agency is a scam.

And so, it's just not good...

As much as I hate labeling any legitimate program a "scam," Officeless Agency already speaks for itself in that regard.

If you plan to buy this course, keep in mind that it has many negative reviews.

People are claiming not to receive the course after they made their payment. So it's up to you if you want to see for yourself if these reviews are real or not...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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