February 2, 2022

Is Elite CEOs a Scam? Tanner Chidester Coaching Program Review

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So you've seen Tanner Chidester on a YouTube ad and taken a look into Elite CEOs. 

But you're wondering... is this a legit way to make money online? And is it really worth your time and money?

How do I know? 

Because I saw it and wondered the same thing!

Well, you are in luck because I've dug into what Elite CEOs offers & I've reviewed hundreds of ways that people can make money online.

This Elite CEOs review will show you the true pros and cons to the program. That way you can make an informed decision if it's right for you.

This Elite CEOs review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Elite CEOs Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Elite CEOs

Founder: Tanner Chidester

Type: Business Coaching

Price: $37 for the "launch" program- this is a funnel for the $10k+ for the 1-1 mentorship coaching program. 

Best for: People who want to start a coaching program charging $2.5k+ per client

Elite CEOs Pros

  • Proven owner experience
  • His ads are everywhere!
  • Legit systems to scale
  • Testimonials

Elite CEOs Cons

  • Sales funnel to VERY expensive 1-1 mentorship 
  • Additional monthly costs
  • Paid traffic methods
  • Is Tanner rich from these courses/ these methods?
  • Lack of engagement/ size

Summary: Elite CEOs is a business coaching program which teaches members the fundamentals of scaling a high ticket online business using paid ads and social media marketing. 

Make Time Online Rating: 40 out of 100 

Recommended: No. Unless you want to start a high ticket coaching program and have $10k+ to spend. 

What is Elite CEOs about?

Elite CEOs is a business consultation company founded by Tanner Chidester.

The company advertises itself as a premier business consulting firm that delivers excellent results. They aim to help their clients achieve high ticket sales with the help of their affiliate marketing program. 

The company offers training packages which include training, webinars, one-on-one coaching. Training includes how to pitch sales and how to utilize Facebook ads and Messenger to connect with clients. 

Elite CEOs promises to help those who want to succeed in online businesses up to a 7 figure yearly sales return. 

Elite CEOs program instructs individuals on creating an online coaching program.

In the past, Tanner has concentrated on helping people develop fitness coaching programs, but in this course, he has expanded on that topic.

A coaching business is among the most challenging online business models I've attempted.

To begin a coaching business, one must be an expert in anything.

You will charge thousands of dollars for each client; you must deliver for those fees.

Do you feel confident enough to accept a large sum of money from a client and deliver results?

Some individuals dislike coaching.

Thus, some engage in affiliate marketing.

Affiliate marketing entails generating leads for specialists and earning commissions for each sale.

The affiliate program you're dealing with is responsible for all laborious tasks.

Here is a 90 second video where Tanner Chidester talks about why he does what he does...

Starting to sound interesting, right?

Well, you're probably wondering, who the f**ge is...

Who is Tanner Chidester?

Tanner Chidester is an online business entrepreneur who founded Elite CEOs. Before launching the company, he also created Fit Warriors. Fit Warriors is an online health and fitness coaching business. 

This helped him gain a net worth of over $1 million by the age of 28 according to CNBC

Fit Warrior's business model is the basis for Elite CEOs coaching program. Chidester's background seems legit because he has been featured in a lot of business-related sites.

He has been on articles from Forbes, Business Insider, CNBC among others. 

He apparently went from 0 to 8 figures in 2 years. 

Now, there's no denying he has definitely done very well for himself. 

But the question you need to be asking yourself is...

"Has Tanner made his fortune with the methods he teaches... or is he making his fortune selling these courses and coaching programs?"

So let's dig into it shall we?

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Elite CEOs Work?

Elite CEOs works with business owners that sell high ticket items. It will help them set up funnels, copywriting, emails and how to automate this with paid ads and social media marketing. 

Tanner's training program will teach you the ropes of online coaching program promotion. Marketing and sales strategies such as paid advertising, email marketing, and sales funnels are covered in detail.

In a nutshell, the lessons of Elite CEOs center on:

  • Construct a series of funnels

  • Develop material for a sales funnel

  • Boost your high-priced deals

  • Promotional Facebook Ads

  • Completely automate the procedure

Elite CEOs is a low-priced course that does not provide extensive instruction; rather, it is designed to pique your interest in Tanner's more expensive coaching services (which are much more costly).

As part of Elite CEOs, you will learn the following:

  • First Lesson: Promoting Your Facebook Group

  • Organic Messaging 2nd Module 1010

  • The Third Module: Messages and Sales Calls

  • Part 4: An Overview of Facebook Advertising

  • Phase 5: Constructing the Funnel

  • Access to the closed Facebook group is included. In this forum, you can discuss the course material with other students and receive feedback on your work.

You can schedule a free meeting with a member of his team (he claims there are 40+ members of his team working remotely) to discuss your business and which coaching package best suits you. 

According to the sales page...

"We also have a 60% resign rate and it's a very expensive program so client satisfaction is high."

In English, that means that they reject 60% of applicants on the coaching call. 

However, if I were a betting man, I'd put money on you being a good fit if you get on a call!... if you catch my drift?!

Here are some of the things you'll get:

  • Access to the private Facebook group
  • Regular live streams in the group where you can ask questions and interact with other clients and the Elite CEOs team
  • Access to coaching materials that you can read and watch
  • A 1 on 1 coaching experience from his team which can be scheduled (not quite the 1-1 coaching from the 8 figure earner himself like the sales material claims!)

So let's dig in a bit deeper...

Inside Elite CEOs

Elite CEOs Launch program consists of 5 modules and access to a Facebook Group:

  • Module #1:  Facebook Group Marketing
  • Module #2:  Organic Messaging 101
  • Module #3:  Messaging & Sales Calls
  • Module #4:  Intro To Facebook Ads 
  • Module #5:  Setting Up Your Funnel
  • Access to Private Facebook Community

I don't doubt that there is some decent information inside these 5 modules. However, something to be aware of is that this "launch program" will only give you an overview of how things work. 

To really get the most from Elite CEOs you will need to join the coaching program. 

There's no doubt this coaching program will help you get leads. Here is a 9-minute testimonial, which will give you a closer look into what it's like to be in the company:

But also take note that there are similar programs and courses out there, just like:

Now, I can almost hear your mind screaming, how much does....

Elite CEOs cost to join

It costs $37 to join Elite CEOs Launch Program. This is really just a funnel to sell the premium coaching program. And according to reviews from previous clients it costs over $10,000 to join the 1-1 coaching program. 

On the Elite CEOs website, they didn't mention how the coaching course cost.

But I've become a research ninja in recent years and will show you where to find this out soon. 

First of all, how much will you need to spend each month to make this course work?...

Elite CEOs monthly cost

It will cost at least $240 a month on additional tools just to implement the training inside Elite CEOs. It's also possible to pay for the coaching membership over a few months. The longer it takes you to pay, the more money you can expect to pay... even as much as $18,000!

Some of the costs to be aware of are:

  • ClickFunnels (at least $97 a month)
  • Email autoresponder i.e. Aweber (at least $15 a month)
  • Tracking software i.e. ClickMagick (at least $27 a month)
  • Facebook ads/ YouTube ads (at least $100 a month, potentially a lot more)

Want to see the proof on how much these coaching programs cost? Well let's have a look at other...

Elite CEOs reviews online

Elite CEOs has been around for almost 2 years, yet it's still very hard to find reviews about the program apart from on their own sales pages. And let's face it... you gotta take those with a pinch of salt!

Here's a review on TrustPilot that may explain why...

I was finally contacted by Tanner Chidester immediately after posting this review, with a story about the wrong email being used. I provided all account details necessary to access my account/purchase at the time of the original request (Name, Program, email, date of purchase etc.)

Tanner informed me that in order to receive my refund I FIRST need to remove this review. For the record, a refund and a request for removal would have done the trick ;)

Seems like a strange tactic to use for a reputable business, but that’s probably What has worked with poor reviews in the past.

That review actually goes into more detail, and the response from Elite CEOs does them no favours, claiming they accessed more than 25% of the course so a refund wasn't possible (weird!)... I'll let you check that out if you want though. 

But by checking places like BBB for TannerFit, Facebook and TrustPilot
we can get an idea of what people really think. 

Common positive Elite CEOs reviews

  • I've made more money this month than I've ever made in a month
  • Tanner really helps to scale a business
  • His email automation sequence was worth the price alone

Best positive review:

Elite CEOs has been the best coaching experience I've ever been through. In my experience, it has been incredibly difficult for me to find a coach who can guide me and not simply take my money.

These guys are different because they teach you a method based on generating unique conversations that pre qualify people without the need for a webinar both from paid ads and organically.

The support is next level as you get access to group calls, 1-on-1 coaching on copy/fb ads/mindset/sales and a success manager who responds to anything you need in 15 min or less.

Common negative Elite CEOs reviews

  • False advertising- you do not get 1-1 coaching from an 8 figure mentor, it's just someone in his team who probably earns $2,000 a month!
  • No refunds
  • Very expensive and not worth the money
  • You're often told it's your fault if you can't make it work

Best negative review... 

The 1on1 coaching is a joke. 
I'd expect this for a $900 program but $18,000!?!? This is a total scam. They told me that with their help I could easily make back my investment in a month. That couldn't be further from the truth!!! 
One of the coaches literally told me that if she thought my question was stupid, she won't respond. I couldn't believe it. I try to tell them how I am struggling and all they can say is "you have limiting beliefs. " smfh.

Is Elite CEOs a scam?

Technically no, Elite CEOs is not a scam. 

It is just a coaching business...

It will provide you with the information on how to automate and scale a business selling high ticket items to clients using paid advertising. 

However, it does make some pretty bold claims... such as make over $10,000 this month. 

This is what leads some people to call the program out as a scam.

Tired of expensive crappy make money online courses? Check out how I make a passive income online here!

Elite CEOs pros

Elite CEO surely does have a number of strengths. Here are some of the best ones you can get from them...

#1 Tanner has proven experience scaling an online business

Chidester has proven he has made decent money. Just check this photo out...

This shows that he has made over $10,000,000 from an online business using ClickFunnels to help.

You're going to be learning from someone that actually knows what he's doing. 

#2 He is obviously not bad at making ads - they're everywhere!

If you've seen one of Tanner's ads, then you've probably seen tons of his ads. 

This is because he understands the power of "retargeting traffic" i.e. sending ads to someone that has already seen him somewhere online. 

Just check out this 8 minute video if you want to see his methods for making video ads...

Fun Fact- Did you know Tanner was a professional model?

#3 Legit systems to scale a business

ClickFunnels has helped to make a ton of people pretty wealthy. 

It's expensive, a bit laggy and there are way better tools and software out there that you can use for a fraction of the price (such as a Thrive membership).

But what it does do is help people realise the power of funnels. 

Online funnels are a great way to turn a small business into a huge thriving one. And they are totally legit!

#4 Real testimonials

There are a ton of video testimonials from all kinds of people, such as this one...

It's possible for people to pay actors to do this, but the sheer volume of them that exist on the sales pages shows that something definitely is working here.

Elite CEOs cons

And then here are the not so good things about this course that you should be wary of...

#1 It's a sales funnel into the expensive 1-1 mentorship

The first and biggest disadvantage from all this is that the cost is very expensive.

What $37 is expensive?

No silly, the 1-1 coaching membership is!

The $37 course is just part of the funnel to try and get you into paying $10k+ for the membership. Here's another review on BBB that claims...

I did not make anywhere close to my money back and neither did a lot of people. You pay $10k to join his program and there is very little 1:1 support and guidance and Tanner himself isn't even involved. Save your money and go work with a 1:1 business mentor instead.

#2 Additional monthly costs

There are so many hidden additional costs that you simply won't be aware of before you join Elite CEOs if this is all new to you. 

ClickFunnels alone is at least $97 a month!

#3 Paid traffic is dangerous for newbies

Tanner does teach "organic" traffic methods. 

But this largely looks like messaging people on Facebook!

Let's be serious here...

When was the last time you spent $2k+ from some random person messaging you on Facebook? Or even from someone that you "know, like and trust" for that matter?!

The only real way this works is if you get into paid ads on Facebook, YouTube and other places. 

Here's Tanner himself giving you an insight into the dangers of paid ads...

The pros of paid ads are great. 

But they realistically only work for people that throw thousands of dollars at it before they see any results.

It does work. 

But most newbies give up before they see any profit, so you gotta have a strong stomach for this if you go down this route. 

#4 Is Tanner rich from his methods... or his courses?

So here's the thing... 

Tanner claims he's made 8 figures from his Elite CEOs coaching business (this program, yo... no idea why I said yo there).

But also 7 figures from selling a service. 

Wanna know what that service was?

Coaching fitness business owners how to do this exact same thing!

When you read between the lines you can see that he's made his money by teaching other people how to make money.

But unless you want to start a coaching business charging people $2,500+, he probably won't help you.

#5 Lack of engagement

So I checked out a ton of the sales videos for Elite CEOs. 

But one part really caught my eye...

Tanner claims to have helped thousands of people make a s*%* ton of money. 

So why are there less than 300 members in all of his courses combined?

Then I figured, "well his ads are everywhere so he must have a good social following"...

But only 5k subs for a YouTube account that's been going for 4 years?!

I'll let him off that his old stuff is gym related, but he's been posting money videos at least one a week for over a year now. And surely his thousands of die hard fans who he's personally helped would follow him?

Fake it till you make it springs to mind here?!


Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

My opinion - Elite CEOs


Tanner Chidester is a go getter. 

He's made himself a sweet sweet income online. 

But in my opinion he's just grinded really fricking hard selling people the dream of "making money online"... until he started making money online. 

And that is...

If you have any intention of creating some sort of coaching business selling other people very expensive coaching programs (ideally fitness related) then this may be the exact kick up your bum that you've been looking for. 

But if that's not you, or you don't have over $10k to spunk on the chance to make this work there may be an alternative that suits you...

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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