October 1, 2019

IDplr Review- Scam or The Best Private Label Rights?

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In the spirit of full transparency, know that this IDplr review contains affiliate links. This means if you make a purchase through these links, I may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Click here to read my full disclosure policy.

You probably agree that creating ebooks or bonus products takes quite a lot of time.

Many people think they have to put in hours of effort to create an ebook or additional product to complement their website. However, it is actually possible to buy certain the Private Label Rights (PLR) of certain products that are already made.

This IDplr review will reveal the good and bad parts of using the program.

IDplr Review- The Overview and Rankings

  • Name: IDplr (Private Label Rights)
  • Owners: Unknown (10 out of 100)
  • Website URL: idplr.com
  • Type: Private Label Rights (get content that you can sell or use)
  • Quality of content: 40 out of 100
  • Success Stories: 20 out of 100
  • Support: 10 out of 100
  • Price: Free for 2 products/ $39 (3 months access) $69 (1 year access) $89 Lifetime access
  • Maketimeonline.com Rating: 20 out of 100

Pros and Cons


  • You can actually get ready-made products that you are able to use.
  • It's possible to use IDplr products as freebies to grow your email list.


  • The support is non-existent.
  • The website has many technical issues.
  • You can't do everything IDplr claims you can do with their products.
  • There are misleading promises that you will receive from IDplr.

What does IDplr do?

First of all, let's define private label rights:

A license where the author sells the intellectual property (includes patents or copywriting etc.) rights of their work.

So basically, IDplr is a place where people can supposedly sell their intellectual property i.e. ebooks, software, graphics or written content etc.

This means it's also a place where anyone can purchase this intellectual property to use themselves.

It's pretty much an intermediary between people that like writing content, but don't want to market it themselves and people that are looking for content to market.

What Do You Actually Get With IDplr?

Loads of stuff!!

So in addition to the thousands of PLR content you get, you can also supposedly get a landing page creator, website hosting and more!

It all sounds a bit too good to be true right?

Now, I can almost hear your mind saying...

Is IDplr a Scam?

This is a tricky one to say exactly.

First of all, it's important to note that PLR is completely legit. People sell their intellectual property and other people buy it.

This is fine.

But is IDplr?

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn't live up to their promises

IDplr does provide you with thousands of PLR opportunities.

But as you're about to find out in this IDplr review, they do not always live up to their promises.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I have not purchased this program myself and therefore I will stop short of calling this an outright scam.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn more “Ways to Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Related content:

IDplr: The Good

Here are some of the things I like about IDplr...

Key Terms:

  • Black Hat Methods - Using lies and unethical methods to make someone buy something
  • White Hat Methods - Being honest and genuine to help people make informed decisions about purchases
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so

#1 Thousands of PLR Content

Yes, IDplr does genuinely provide you with thousands of PLR content you can download.

In fact, you can try 2 products out for free before paying a penny.

If you are looking for a quick freebie to grow your email list, then IDplr may just be what you are looking for...

#2 Make Quick Freebies to Grow Your List

This is probably the best way you can use IDplr.

Each product has a list of what you can do with it and what you are not allowed to do with it.

Every product that I checked allowed you to grow your email list with it.

However, there are some things it's important to be aware of before diving in...

IDplr: The Bad

This section of this IDplr review will show you some of the bad parts of IDplr.

#1 Technical Issues

There are numerous reports on the internet of people struggling to use certain features of IDplr.

One part I personally struggled with was trying to upload an ebook to IDplr.

As I already have some freebie ebooks and content I figured I would see what the process was like for uploading something to the website.

However, I was met with this...

As you can see you need to check the Captcha box (pretty common these days) but the box was missing.

Therefore, it was impossible to submit anything to the website.

#2 Unrealistic Bonuses

I genuinely thought the price for getting a load of PLR content wasn't bad.

But when I saw the bonuses they chucked at you it started ringing the alarm bells pretty loud...

For $89 (you have to upgrade to lifetime access to receive this) you get free website hosting, a landing page builder, an ebook cover creator and loads more. Of course, you also get thousands of PLR content.

The thing is, the cheapest website hosting I've ever seen is with Bluehost for about $70 PER YEAR!

The hosting was with Bitreveal who's pricing starts from $29 per month (which is much more believable)...

This led me onto asking if the $89 was for lifetime access like they claim or an additional $29 per month as Bitreveal (the hosting site) claims...

#3 No Support

So I sent an email on 13th September...

I am yet to hear anything back!

This is a major red flag. If you can't even get in contact with them when you are thinking about giving them money, how likely do you think you will receive support when you are a customer?

I've just sent another one-off (today is the 24th September, as you can see in the next point)...

#4 Black Hat Sales Tactics

These sales tactics are always a big red flag about a company.

The deal is not only valid for 48 hours as I received the same message when I logged in last time on the 13th of September.

Are you beginning to see it may not quite be what we thought it was at the start?

#5 What Can You Even Use PLR For?

Hobo-web shows that Google penalises your website if you use duplicate content from another website.

Therefore, there is no way you can use any of the PLR documents on your website as someone else has almost certainly done this.

The only thing you can realistically use the PLR content for is as freebies to grow your email list or try to sell them.

The claims of using it to grow a website are totally unrealistic.

This leads onto...

#6 Old and Outdated Content

The content is super outdated.

It seems like everything available was last updated mid-2017.

This might be something to do with the fact that people can't upload PLR content onto the website (remember point #1?)

#7 Poor Quality Content

I checked out some of the content (you get 2 for free).

To start with it looks like there may be some good stuff included.

But when you actually dive into the content, it's so average.

The whole section on Hatha Yoga in the ebook

Both pieces I tried out looks like a 12-year-old has done some Wikipedia research and put together a mishmash of basic information that doesn't really help.

Related content:

My Opinion - IDplr

Don't bother with it.

If you really want to get a couple of pieces of content then just use the free account. I guess you could even just use another email address and get a couple more if you really want.

When you take into account the non-existent support, outdated content and technical faults of the website it's really not worth spending a penny here.

The claims of building your own website for $89 are totally unrealistic and unachievable from IDplr.

An Evergreen Strategy That Brings You The Money

It wasn't that long ago that I was still trying to figure out how some people build their own online business.

I wanted to find a passive income online business that hit a few criteria:

  1. I could work on when I wanted (I was still in a full-time job)
  2. Didn't cost a fortune to start and maintain
  3. Didn't need me to sell stuff to my friends and family

It was in September 2018 that I found Wealthy Affiliate, which I still use today to build my online business.

Towards the end of 2019 that I quit my full-time job.

The best thing about it is:

  • It's free to start
  • Customers are brought to you that are already interested (just think about how you found this review... there was no money or time spent from me promoting this!)
  • You get access to an amazing community of online entrepreneurs (and me as a personal coach to help you on your journey)

When you try out this program you will see why so many people recommend it.

No credit card details required- It genuinely is free to start

IDplr Review: The "MakeTimeOnline" Final Word

To sum up this IDplr review, it's not worth your money.

If you have multiple websites and are just looking for some freebie content to offer to build your email list it may be worth checking it out. If not, don't waste your time on it.

There are too many issues with the website and a lot of the content is outdated and low quality.

Keep changing for the better,


P.S. Since you're still here, I'm assuming you're interested in making money online to free up your time. Click here to see my review of my #1 recommended program and join the form below to learn how to build an online business with no experience.

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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