February 9, 2022

Honest Commission Hero Review: Scam or Legit Robby Blanchard Course?

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You're probably looking for an honest Commission Hero review.

It's likely that everything you've read is clearly from someone promoting the course to get commission from you!

Either way the sales video from Robby Blanchard sounds pretty interesting. I mean, who doesn’t want to earn more than $1,000 a day?

But is is really possible to do that? Even for beginners?

This honest Commission Hero review, with videos, will reveal everything you need to know about the program before diving in.

Commission Hero Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Commission Hero

Founder: Robby Blanchard

Type: Affiliate marketing training (using Facebook ads and Clickbank)

Training: 70 out of 100

Success Stories: 40 out of 100

Price To Join: $997 or 2 x $597 + Inner Circle Upsell of $297 per month & not including the other tools you will need.

Minimum cost of $7,429 for 1 year with the Inner Circle

Commission Hero Pros

  • Legit business model
  • Robby is the real deal
  • Inner Circle Support
  • Possible to make money fast

Commission Hero Cons

  • Only one marketing strategy 
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Clickbank has scams
  • Expensive to try
  • Income proof is not profit

Summary: Commission Hero

Make Time Online Rating: 65 out of 100 

Recommended: For affiliate marketers looking to use Clickbank

What is Commission Hero?

So Commission Hero promises to teach you exactly how Robby Blanchard makes money from affiliate marketing online.

I can almost hear your mind thinking... "but what is affiliate marketing?"

Connecting someone with a product or service they are looking for and getting paid if they buy the product after clicking your link.

Or simply put...

Selling other people's stuff!

This is a legit way to make money online and you probably have already seen that Robby makes a ton of money from doing so.

So let’s dig in a bit deeper…

How does Commission Hero Work?

Commission Hero will teach you how to get traffic from Facebook Adverts to landing pages.

Commission Hero is a video series comprised of discrete parts. The first module covers affiliate marketing fundamentals.

The second module focuses on establishing a Facebook business account. This includes your Facebook page and advertising accounts, from which you will run advertisements.

The final module emphasizes tracking your outcomes and properly adjusting your advertising efforts.

The fourth module covers additional random topics, including email marketing. It also has helpful tips and tricks, which you will find intriguing.

Live training is the second component of the course. This is believed most of the value is. This section is a live recording of Robby's in-person training when affiliate marketers attend his presentations. You will learn a great deal from this section. Things improve significantly after that.

The final section of the training provides substantial advertising materials for high-converting Clickbank products like EZ Battery Reconditioning and Slim Belly Fix.

Robby utilized more than a thousand ad creatives to encourage prospects to click on his commercials.

In addition, the content contains quiz landing pages intended to operate as intermediary websites that interest the prospect and then send them to the affiliate offer page.

These landing pages (also called squeeze pages) help you to "capture email addresses" and then sell affiliate products from Clickbank. 

Commission Hero training- an inside look

It’s always good to see what you actually receive from a course.

So check out this pretty good YouTube video I found from 3 mins to the end (only 7 minutes of watching and you can always x2 speed it!)

Basically, there is quite a lot of legitimate training within the course that will help you set up an affiliate marketing business.

This includes:

  • Choosing the right offers
  • Finding your ad image
  • Setting up a “landing page”
  • Setting up Facebook
  • Tracking your campaign
  • Scaling
  • Email marketing

There are 12 training modules in total with over 40 videos.
Also note that there are many other similar courses out there, just like:

Now, I can almost hear your mind asking…

Can you make money with Commission Hero?

Commission Hero is one of ClickBank's newest "earn money online" products... Robby Blanchard, a super-affiliate, designed the item.

It promises to be a simple 3-step strategy for digital advertising products on Facebook to make substantial profits. It seems simple enough...

How do you get substantial commissions?

You select products with attractive affiliate networks that pay at least 50 percent commissions.

Commission Hero teaches three major secrets: how to locate high-paying affiliate programs.

Commission Hero is designed similarly to 30 Minute Workday in that it provides step-by-step instructions for creating a profitable sales funnel and driving visitors to it via Facebook Ads.

The course structure begins with a section titled "Getting Started," which discusses some of the fundamentals before moving on to advanced methods such as link tracking and scaling your campaigns.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How to make money with Commission Hero

Here is the overly simplified process you will learn to make money from Commission Hero:

  1. Pay for Facebook ads to get traffic to your landing page
  2. Create landing pages to sell an affiliate program or collect email addresses
  3. The visitor buys a product you promoted and you get a commission

It really is that simple, but there are a LOT of moving parts that you will need to learn before it starts working.

Before we find out how likely it is that you'll be able to do this, let's find out...

How much does it cost to join Commission Hero?

It costs a $997 one time payment or 2 x $597 payments. 

This gives you access to all the training in the course. However, the costs do not stop there amigo...

Commission Hero monthly cost

To actually use the training you will HAVE to spend additional money each month on:

  • Clickfunnels $97 per month (landing page builder) 
  • ClickMagick $27 a month (tracking tool)
  • An autoresponder such as GetResponse cost $15 a month (collects and sends emails)
  • Facebook ads (as much as you want but at least $200 per month)

There is also the "inner circle" which costs $297 per month to get access to:

  • "Done for you" funnels
  • Weekly webinar 
  • Robby looks through your campaigns
  • Active Facebook group

If you join the "Inner circle" then you would need to allow these expenses for one year:

  • $997
  • $97 x 12 = $1,164
  • $27 x 12 = $324
  • $15 x 12 = $180
  • $297 x 12 = $3,564
  • $200 x 12 = $1,200

Total costs for one year = $7,429

If you were to join the inner circle and really committed to this 100% there's no reason why you wouldn't start making money from this system within a few months. 

However, paying for ads as a new affiliate marketing is a very sharp sword indeed! Can you really afford to lose over $7k in one year?

Is Commission Hero a scam?

Commission Hero is not a scam.

There are two main ways an online course can be a scam:

  1. Take your money and run off into the sunset, never to be heard from again
  2. Provide some information but it doesn’t live up to their promises

As you can see in the video above there is a lot of great training you will receive. However, is Commission Hero going to work for you?

Find out as you keep reading this Commission Hero review.

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse Commission Hero in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. 

Common positive reviews

Here are some of the common positive reviews we have seen in Indeed about their job opportunity...

  • "Course Hero is a really good learning platform both for students and tutors."
  • "As a tutor, I feel the fulfillment when helping students with their learning journey."
  • “Commission Hero was initially brought to my attention by Robby's advertisements on YouTube. They were well-executed and held my attention. His advertisements were straightforward yet sufficiently enticing, leaving me eager to learn more. Overall, the advertisements were clear, simple, and of excellent caliber. As always, the issue with these advertisements is that they are false. They create the notion that money can be made rapidly and simply without ANY effort.”

Common negative reviews

And here are the negative things people are saying about their job opportunity...

  • “These advertisements frequently state, "Hey, want to make $3,000 each day without expertise, experience, or effort?" Yea sure! Why don't you also show me how to make $3,000 every day doing absolutely nothing?When you see such advertisements, ensure your BS detectors are set to go off! I no longer blame Robby. Nor do I believe he is inherently a con artist. Still, sadly, the web marketing industry is infested with unethical marketers that push wildly exaggerated claims on unsuspecting, impulsive simpletons who fell for it.”

  • "Hardest part and also stressful part of the job would be pleasing your students, aside from giving an answer/solution for their queries, tutors would always have the anxious feeling of being rejected oftentimes than accepted."
  • "This happens because the system does have lax systemic approach to screening students with their ratings to tutors. such as invalidated response to a tutors answer whereas incorrect judgement and even unjust ratings despite tutor's massive effort and research for that student's problem."

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Commission Hero

Here are some of the things I like about Commission Hero…

#1 Legit strategy

It has been proven time and again by so many online marketers that affiliate marketing is a legit strategy.

Commission Hero will show you a legit way to get people to buy products that you are promoting.

In fact, you can check out a ton of my chats with real people that use affiliate marketing to make a crazy amount of money on my podcast. This really is a legit business model that isn't going to just disappear next year. 

#2 Robby Blanchard is the real deal

There’s no denying that Robby is completely legit.

You can check out the Clickbank leaderboard yourself if you want to check (this does update every year).

Robby has gone from a personal trainer to a guy earning crazy money using affiliate marketing.

#3 Support from the Inner Circle

If you are new to affiliate marketing then I would highly recommend joining the Inner Circle.

This will provide you with "done for you" funnels each month and believe me, that will help a lot!

Remember I am not an affiliate for Commission Hero so it does no favours to me if you join the upsell Inner Circle at $297 per month. 

I can just guarantee that you will find it really hard to see results at the start if you are brand new to  affiliate marketing when you need to design landing pages, FB ads and all the copywriting yourself. Trust me, it's a lot to learn!

Here's how important I think the Inner Circle is for beginners...

If my best mate was considering this as a newbie, I would advise them to join the Inner Circle or not bother. 

#4 Possible to make money quickly

The techniques taught in Commission Hero can help you to make money quickly.

Some people have claimed to see results within the first week.

There is a higher risk to them as you are about to learn, but there is no denying that they do work… if you implement them well.

What I don't like about Commission Hero

If you’re like me, you’ve probably just skipped to this part or are ready to learn all about the truth that you’re not told in the sales video.

So here is the honest truth…

#1 Only one marketing technique- FB ads> Clickbank

There is a lot to a successful online marketing business.

However, there’s really only one focus from Robby in this course.

And that is to use Facebook ads to drive traffic to Clickbank so you earn a commission.

Focus is definitely a good thing, especially as a beginner.

However, it will be hard to make this business model hands off.

There's no training on how to create a website and use SEO (get your website ranked on Google) and the other marketing techniques, which are more passive and help you to truly OWN an online business. 

#2 Hidden monthly expenses

Robby even mentions how all you need is Facebook and Clickbank, which are two FREE platforms.

This is true.

But what he’s not making clear upfront is that the technique you will use involves additional ongoing costs.

Facebook ads can rack up to a lot of money. Especially when you are learning and not receiving and money in return from them!

Plus, remember there are additional tools you’ll need:

  • It costs $97 per month for Clickfunnels (landing page builder).
  • ClickMagick costs $27 a month (tracking tool)
  • An autoresponder such as GetResponse cost $15 a month (collects and sends emails)

Of course, you don’t have to use Clickfunnels and you don’t have to spend loads of money on ads.

But if you want to get results… you really do.

Therefore you need to budget another $350+ per month for these costs. And that's not even including the $297 per month Inner Circle upsell!

(But you should start seeing results soon enough if you follow the training and stay positive- easier said than done when you're thousands of dollars out of pocket, I know!)

#3 Clickbank has a lot of scam products

They have a terrible name for themselves, especially in the “make money online” niche.

Here are some outright scams I’ve reviewed in the past:

I could go on, but you get the idea.

There is a very high return rate of products from Clickbank and you have no control over when or why this happens.

So you may see money coming into your account, but you are likely going to have to allow some of that to disappear as there is a guaranteed 60-day money back for most products on Clickbank.

#4 There's no trial- 12 month money back guarantee

I get what Robby does this… but it is weird.

You cannot get your money back until you can prove you have “tried to use” the program for 12 months.

I guess Robby wants to stop the time wasters that just buy a course and then 2 weeks later realise they don’t have any time or desire to try and do the work.

But the best courses normally have some kind of “free trial” or 7-day return policy.

Sometimes no matter what you expect from a course it just isn’t what you thought it would be and doesn’t suit you.

#5 Income proof is not profit

Now, obviously a lot of the income that these guys are getting will be profit.

However, it is never really mentioned that there are expenses in this business.

Just think about it, what option would you prefer…

  1. You spend $10,000 in a month to make $6,500
  2. You spend $0 to make $2,350

There are the monthly costs of your business, which is completely overlooked when these massive numbers are shoved in your face in the sales video…

The super high income of Robby will obviously mean he makes some amazing profit.

But when you are just starting out it’s important to be aware your paid ads will probably not make you as much money as you spend.

Saying that… once you figure out a funnel to make a profit, there is no limit to how much you can scale it up!

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

My opinion - Commission Hero

It’s a legit opportunity.

It has worked for people.

And it may work for you.

However, the initial costs to get going are high!

Realistically you are looking at $997 to start… then around $350 a month ($650+ if you join the inside circle).

It leaves a lot people feeling like this when they realise the true expense...

If you cannot afford to lose $3,000+ before you actually figure out what you need to do then this is not the course for you.

If you’re still interested after reading all the pros and cons in this Commission Hero review then you can find out more from Robby himself here

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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