January 2, 2020

3 Blogging Legal Pages You Don’t Want to Miss: Amira Law Podcast

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Do you ever feel like there just aren't enough hours in the day to do everything you need to do?

Sometimes it can just feel like you're chasing your tail to keep up with everything. And oftentimes protecting your blog moves to the back burner on the growing list of things to do.

But using blogging legal pages shouldn't be one of these things.

If you ever get caught in legal trouble in the future these will be the most important pages on your blog. And here's the truth:

You NEVER know when you may face legal issues.

It may never happen...

It could happen in a few years...

Or it could happen tomorrow (yes even if you don't earn a penny from your blog!)

The good news is that by using templates these pages can actually be very simple to create.

In this podcast with Amira Law we chat about:

  • How one piece of paper could have saved her Dad thousands of dollars
  • The 3 most important blogging legal pages you need as a blogger
  • The difference between writing these blogging legal pages yourself and having a lawyer do it
  • Amira's secret for becoming a master at anything she puts her mind to

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Why do you need blogging legal pages?

If you're like me this is probably the main question on your mind right now.

Why do something if it doesn't need to be done, right?

There are many little reasons why you actually need blogging legal pages. But the main 3 that gave me a kick up the bum to sort this out were...

1. It's the law!

So many beginner bloggers believe it is optional to have legal pages on their blog. Or if you have some generic policy you'd be fine.

I was one of them!

However, certain legal pages such as a Privacy Policy and disclaimer are actually a legal requirement in most states and countries.

There are different organisations around the world that are responsible for protecting the rights of consumers, such as the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) in the United States.

If you breach these consumer rights you could face a hefty lawsuit such as these previous ones.

If you are providing any advice or collecting any information (i.e. email addresses in the comment section at the bottom of each post) then you could be liable to these lawsuits.

Simple legal pages on your website can protect your blog legally!

2. Prevent people from stealing your hard work

You may be thinking...

Eh, I haven't really got much stuff that people could steal yet, so this one doesn't matter.

But the fact is, your hard work and efforts on your blog could be copied by someone else with no consequence. It can completely damage your website's authority and credibility if someone else copies your work.

Having the appropriate legal pages on your website means you can take the appropriate action to remove copy-cats content.

This is called a Digital Millenium Copyright Act (DMCA) and you can go straight to their hosting provider to remove their content.

If you can show you have the correct legal page on your website to do this (the Terms and Conditions) it can be relatively painless and easy instead of needing to go through any court or use external legal help.

3. To shield yourself if you're sued

This is another area that you may think...

Ah, I probably won't get sued so I should be alright.

Amira actually explains the reason why she got into law. It was because this is exactly what happened to her Dad when he was only 1 year into his business.

It completely crippled the company and his ambitions.

All of this could have been prevented if he had one piece of paper laying out the expectations with the correct legal wording on it.

But that would have cost him around $150 and he didn't see the point at the time!

The point is, you never know when someone is going to sue you.

And you may feel it's completely unjust.

But luckily for you, you can put the correct measures in place before this happens to make sure you are not liable to unfair claims.

Is your blog legally protected?

In the podcast, Amira talks us through some of the common mistakes bloggers make when trying to make sure their blog os legally protected.

But she also explains how every blog needs to have 3 pages:

  1. Privacy policy (make sure you are GDPR compliant for any information collected on the website)
  2. Disclaimer (disclaim the information you provide is not "personal coaching/ advice for everyone. Also disclaim any affiliate marketing that you do)
  3. Terms and conditions (these are the rules for your website. How people should behave and act on the website etc.)

Getting these documents in place will help to make sure you are protected from most legal complications in the future.

Many bloggers don't even know this.

And many bloggers try to do it themselves!

*Cough, cough... I was one of them*

Should you try to make blogging legal pages yourself?

If you want to have the peace of mind that your blog is protected...


Seriously ask yourself if you will you know the technical jargon needed to make sure you are protecting yourself?

Amira even mentions a story about one of her clients in her day job as a lawyer...

Her client was being sued by one of their freelance workers. They had personally put together a contract with their freelancer at the start.

But because key terminology was missing from the document, there is nothing a lawyer or anyone could do to help.

By spending around $100 in advance on a piece of paper her client could have saved thousands of dollars and all of the time and hassle of the lawsuit.

Now, I can almost hear your mind wondering...

How to create legal pages for your blog

If you do not have any legal protection on your website then Amira recommends starting with the big three:

  1. Privacy policy
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Terms and conditions

Once you have these set-up, your blog will be legally protected for the most common legal issues bloggers run into (being sued or having someone else steal your work).

But how do you actually do this?

Option 1: Hire a lawyer

You can probably guess this is not the most cost-effective method.

The good news about this method is you know you would have exactly the right wording and documents to protect your blog moving forward.

But, you would have to pay their hourly rate and as Amira explains in the podcast, this could be around $350 an hour. You would likely end up spending $700+ per legal document the lawyer writes for you.


  • Completely specific for your website
  • Provides peace of mind that your website is protected and legal


  • Most expensive option
  • Time-consuming to find and hire a good lawyer

Option 2: Free legal templates

Yes, you can find free legal templates online.

Here's a couple of places you can try:

But here's the truth... you have no idea if these templates apply to your blog and cover all the bases.

You will also need to spend a long time making them appropriate for your blog and checking them to see if they seem right.

But even then, you will likely be guessing (unless you are a lawyer!)

Amira has run a legal audit for a friend before who used these free templates. She found there were so many holes in them that leave them liable to legal action.

As Amira is a blogger and a lawyer, she understands the language that needs to be included in these legal documents.


  • It's free!


  • Time-consuming
  • Never sure if you have everything covered or the correct terminology

Option 3: Paid legal templates

There is one simple reason that most bloggers use this option...

You get the benefit of professionally written documents by a lawyer for a fraction of the price of hiring them.

If you're like me, you probably know that you could use a free template and adjust it to make it suit your blog.

But the truth is, you will have no idea whether you have covered all bases or even used the correct terminology to get you out of trouble. In the end, I accepted the law is just not an area to take a risk on!

Amira actually offers the 3 blogging legal templates in a bundle including:

  • Terms and conditions template
  • Disclaimer template
  • Privacy policy template

I have personally used this bundle and I had it set up and published on my website with 20 minutes of work... most of that time was just reading the templates!

The best thing for me is that you can use these templates for any of your blogs.

So if you have multiple blogs these templates are pure gold! It saves so much time and covers all bases for blogs in different niches!

If you need anything additionally after, such as a freelancer contract or coaching agreement, then you can check out her legal store on her website.


  • Peace of mind you have the correct terminology to protect yourself
  • Get this for a fraction of the price of hiring a lawyer
  • Quick to add to your blog


  • It's not free

Get in contact with Amira

If you want to reach out to Amira to you can contact her in two main ways:

  1. Her website... A Self Guru
  2. Her blogging Facebook group (it's amazing for bloggers as there's so much opportunity to share content and connect with other bloggers)

Amira Law Podcast Transcript

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Blogging legal pages summary

Now, I know it seems like there's a lot of information in this podcast with Amira.

And there is no escaping the fact that it's the law to have certain legal pages on your blog.

However, you don't need to panic or get worked up if you haven't set things up correctly so far. There are just 3 legal pages you need to protect your blog:

  1. Privacy policy
  2. Disclaimer
  3. Terms and conditions

These 3 documents come with a 40% discount if you purchase them in Amira's legal bundle here.

It honestly takes 20 minutes to update the templates to suit your blog and then you never need to think about it again! Plus if you have any other blog or want to create one in the future you can use these templates for them.

If you think you may know someone else who would benefit from this, be sure to pin this page to share the information!

About the Author

Mike Beatty has built a passive income online whilst working as a full-time PE teacher without any marketing or technical experience. Learn more about how he's done it here.

Mike Beatty

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