November 23, 2018

Wealthy Affiliate Black Friday- Special 49% Discount Plus 4 Bonuses!

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NOTE- The Black Friday special offer at Wealthy Affiliate is ONLY valid until the 26th November! What value would you put on living your dream lifestyle?     Imagine waking up with a smile on your face EVERY morning. Imagine choosing what to do with your time each day. I'm going to share my story with you and the reasons why I have just signed up to Wealthy Affiliate for a year.     Before we start though it's important to know WHAT the Black Friday offer is (I hate those sales pages where you have to search for the price... it's all you want to see after all!) For the monthly premium membership at Wealthy Affiliate, you would pay $588 over a year. But for the next few days, you can get an ENTIRE year of Wealthy Affiliate Premium for $299 (plus 4 BONUSES!)   There are no upsells... It is simply a place to discover how to make money online to replace your income and make more money than you ever thought possible.  

My Own Story

I'm Mike from sunny Essex in England, now living and teaching in ACTUAL sunny Qatar. I started blogging in August 2017 for giggles. I had NO idea it was actually a thing that real people do. The more I blogged, the more people I spoke to that were in this "blogging world". The more I found out that people were making money from this... like serious life-changing "never work another day in a job" money.    So I've taken it upon myself to put the pieces of the make money online puzzle together... Enter Wealthy Affiliate. I started using Wealthy Affiliate about 2 months ago after trying numerous "make money online courses" aka SCAMS. I have just taken advantage of the Black Friday offer and joined for the year. I am not going to lie to you and tell you I'm now living on a yacht in the Carribean dancing in the money rain that I'm making...  
But yes, this is me working on my website last month in Zanzibar!
  It's not easy, it does take time and there are challenges along the way. However, I did earn my first "affiliate" commission the other day (a whopping $0.19 from an ebook... CHA-CHING!!)   I know it's not much. But what this has done is prove to me it's possible. I was having a meal with Sarah and my parents, who had surprised me with a visit to Qatar for my 30th birthday when someone bought the book through my link. It was 100% passive income.   I'll tell you what has happened in the last couple of months though... My learning has gone through the roof! There are heaps of ways to make money online but let me share the BEST ways to make a PASSIVE income:
  • Affiliate marketing (promoting other peoples products and getting a commision if someone buys through your link)
  • Adverts/ Sponsors (paid for placing ads on your site- the more people that visit your site the more you make)
  • Create your own product (the best seems to be information products online as no shipping/ stock is needed!)
  I have also connected with some amazing people who are really "crushing it" online. Read on to find out more about some of these people later...  

The Secret to Not Failing... Ever

The Internet is NOT going away...  
3.75 billion people currently spend money online and this number is growing.
  As you will find out by reading on... Wealthy Affiliate literally has everything you will ever need to succeed in the online game. So the only thing that will hold you back from succeeding in the online world is... YOU!   The big SECRET to not failing is: Put in EFFORT and TIME  
I never lose... I win or I learn
  I have heard this time and time again from people in the Wealthy Affiliate community, books and on podcasts (I highly recommend "Do you even blog" and "Smart Passive Income" podcasts) Wealthy Affiliate puts all the tools, training and people you need to succeed in one place. So your TIME and EFFORT can be spent MUCH better.    

How Much Time is Needed for Success?

Have you ever heard the story about the two men digging for diamonds? The big guy, Lenny, was smashing his way through the ground with his pickaxe.  After digging for hours he was shattered. He could taste the dirt and he had become deafened by the BANGING noise. Eventually, he decided enough was enough and turned back... he never did find out how close he came to finding those diamonds.  Carl was a determined little bugger. He knew that there were diamonds in the area and it was only a matter of time until he found them. As long as he kept digging he eventually would get hold of them.     It has been proven that 1 YEAR is needed to give ANY business a solid foundation.  In the story above you could be just like Lenny and turn around just before you strike gold.  
If you don't build the foundations, your website will be more vulnerable than a blockbuster video store.
  By committing to a year with Wealthy Affiliate you are holding yourself ACCOUNTABLE to stick with it for at least a year. It's so EASY to get distracted by the shiny object and have a flutter with Cryptocurrencies or the new Network Marketing program. However, committing to a year gives you an EXCELLENT chance of actually building the foundation your online business needs to flourish.  

What to Expect From Wealthy Affiliate

Rumour has it that Wealthy Affiliate is the best thing since sliced bacon. There are soooo many benefits to using it. Here are a few of the biggies:   Personally, I find the step-by-step training monkey-simple and great for focusing on what I need to do. Plus the community is PRICELESS.  If you have a question, someone will answer it... and give you personal feedback, a kick up the bum, advice or whatever you need.  

Black Friday Bonuses

If you join Wealthy Affiliate during the Black Friday Special you also get access to some sick batch bonuses:

Bonus #1- Live Video Class- The 7 Factor "Secret Sauce" (hosted by Kyle... the founder)

Kyle DOES NOT do these very often... in fact, this is only his 3rd Live Video Class EVER. He will use his 17 years experience online to show you what he believes is the Secret Sauce to success. Plus there will be a Q & A part so you can get any questions answered by the founder of Wealthy Affiliate himself.  

Bonus #2- 7 Factor "Secret Sauce" White Paper

This "White Paper" style PDF has actionable tasks that you can start using to become a thriving expert within the online world.  

Bonus #3- Creating a Lucrative Website in 2019 (5 Weeks of Live Training)

Find out the shortcuts that can help you save months of time and $1000's of dollars in your business.  

Bonus #4- Early Access to NEW Releases at Wealthy Affiliate

You will get an exclusive insider look into the new platforms that will be released on Wealthy Affiliate in 2019.    

Other People's Stories

I recently interviewed 25 bloggers about why they started their online business. Check out this post which includes:
  1. How my mentor made $7,000 last month (he started 4 years ago).
  2. How another Wealthy Affiliate member earns 6 figures PER MONTH.
  3. How another member earnt her first commission after 22 days of her blog with ZERO prior experience.
Here are some other Wealthy Affiliate success stories...   If that's not enough... here are some more reasons to join:
  • Going yearly vastly IMPROVES your chances of success
  • There is WAY MORE on here than is available in any one place online... even compared to the WA site a few years ago
  • There is EXPERT help everywhere- it's all in one place so no need to keep scrawling the internet for answers
  • The HOSTING is sooooo POWERFUL at Wealthy Affiliate- comparable hosting services are more than $250 per month alone!
  • Things stay FRESH and up to date- the live seminars and 10,000's of daily interactions means the information is always current.

What do I Recommend?

If you have your own website or blog and are serious about making money online then this is a no-brainer... Join now... It costs just $0.82 per day and the TIME and EFFORT potentially saved by using this program is unlimited.  
Time is more valuable than money... You can get more MONEY but you cannot get more TIME
  Do you have a passion or know what your online niche will be in but haven't started a website yet? Get a profit-ready website set up in 30 seconds (no joke!) Joining Wealthy Affiliate is a great way to hold yourself accountable. Plus you will receive instant support from people in the community (including myself and I can introduce you to people that have been using it for years who have really helped me).   If you haven't started a blog or website before and you have no idea what your niche would be then I'd recommend 2 things:
  1. Start Wealthy Affiliate on the FREE account (you can stay as a free member for as long as you want)
  2. Read "How to find your online niche".
  But do NOT delay! The Black Friday discount (which saves 49% compared to paying monthly) will end on the 26th November. If you don't try something new, then expect the same results. Take advantage of this offer today.   Keep changing for the better   Mike       p.s. If you have any questions or thoughts please feel free to drop a comment below... or send me a message on WA here  

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