November 18, 2021

Sales Funnels Masterclass Review: Analyzing This Udemy Lead Gen Course

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Maybe you’re one of those people who ventured into digital marketing to achieve financial success. But, the only thing that hinders you is how to increase your sales. Well, that’s a common thing with most digital entrepreneurs. 

There are many things to address this issue. The online platform offers a lot of choices on how to increase your sales.

Let’s check out one of Udemy’s courses about making a profit online using the Sales Funnels Masterclass. 

This review will help you decide if it’s worth trying by discussing its content, pros, cons, so you’ll know if it is a legit way to make money online.

This Sales Funnels Masterclass review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Sales Funnels Masterclass review: The overview and rankings

Name: Sales Funnels Masterclass

Owners: eCommerce Hero

Type: Lead generation course

Price: $89.99

Best for: Anyone who wants to learn lead generation to make good money.

Sales Funnels Masterclass Pros

  1. Informative
  2. Detailed explanation
  3. Valuable

Sales Funnels Masterclass Cons

  1. Lacks explanation
  2. Insufficient diagram
  3. Needs further examples


Sales Funnels Masterclass is a lead generation course that teaches you how to make money online through effective local lead generation.

Make Time Online Rating: 35 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Sales Funnels Masterclass about?

Digital marketing works by getting more clients to avail your products. With a solid clientele, your business will keep on developing and more sales will be availed.

However, getting clients is the problem. Without the right resources, you can’t generate enough clients to avail your products.

This is where the Sales Funnels Masterclass enters the scene.

Funneling is an effective tool to gather potential clients and increase website landing. 

More landing means a higher probability of increasing your sales. With the Sales Funnels Masterclass, you will be taught how to create professional emails, convert sales, and increase sales. 

With an increase of about 10x your average sales funnel, this course can bring you to much higher heights. Just keep on track and follow its steps. You’ll be surprised how much profit you can make!

Check out this 5-minute video to know more about Small Business Lead Generation...

So, who created this Local Lead Generation 101 in the first place?

Who is eCommerce Hero?

With a promising sales increase offer, you might ask who’s behind the Sales funnels Masterclass.

Well, hold down your horses and open up to a team of highly-trained and qualified instructors that work on a startup called the eCommerce Hero. 

The eCommerce Hero is a startup that motivates and inspires digital entrepreneurs to pursue their dreams.

With its base in Berlin, Germany, this startup teaches more than 150,000 students around the globe. Everything that you need to learn about digital marketing is right under the sun. 

The eCommerce hero specializes in the following:

  • Sales funnels
  • Funnel hacking
  • Data analytics

With funneling as its main expertise, the eCommerce Hero offers a variety of knowledge about digital marketing. It gives you a once-in-a-lifetime experience of learning things the fun way. The team is dedicated to sharing its passion and experience with its students.

So, how does the course work?...

How does Sales Funnels Masterclass Work?

The Sales Funnels Masterclass works by creating funnels that increase your sales.

With more than 20 efficient sales funnels, you can plan, create, and improve your sales funnels conversion. Don’t settle for less, improvise and be better than before. 

Understanding how the XOTF model works gives you an edge in converting sales funnels. Not only that. You will also learn how to set up an effective MOTF, TOTF, and BOTF for your digital marketing business. Promote your brand and business organization by creating funnels that can give you leverage. 

This course also gives you the upper hand in driving sales using a set of strategies that promotes sales pages.

No need to trouble yourself on how to funnel clients because the Sales Funnels Masterclass can give you what you need. With more clients availing of your products and services, getting back your ROI is just a piece of cake. 

It’s not enough to simply make sales funnels. What’s important is knowing the “right” sales funnels to choose from.

With the Sales Funnels Masterclass, get a headstart among others by targeting the right funnels. 

The Sales Funnels Masterclass gives you an overview of Mailchimp, an online automation platform that helps with email automation...

This way, you don’t have to trouble yourself sending emails to potential clients. This course is an all-time package of what you need!

Inside Sales Funnels Masterclass

Getting more excited?

Wait until we see what’s inside this income-generating course!

Let’s find out more about how the Sales Funnels Masterclass can turn the table in the world of digital marketing. This course offers a whooping promise of sales increases up to 10x!

Sounds too good to be true, right?

But hey, many people can attest to the credibility of this course given their improved financial status...

With the Sales Funnels Masterclass, creating funnels that “works” is as easy as A, B, C. It’s okay to have background knowledge about sales funnels. But becoming an expert, it’s another story. 

Be the master of creating sales funnels that give the best promising results. With the Sales Funnels Masterclass, you will learn how to create more than 20 sales funnels for your business. Don’t worry, everything will be laid on the table. All you have to do is focus and apply its concepts. 

Step 1: Definition and structure

The first step of this course is defining what a sales funnel is. After knowing how it works and its importance in digital marketing, looking at its structure comes next. If you’re new in the field of digital marketing, it’s important to know its concept. 

This is where its “5-step sales funnel structure” is explained and how essential it is for your business. You will also learn about the XOTF-model and engage in necessary things that are crucial in forming a strong marketing foundation. 

Step 2: Buyer persona

In digital marketing, identifying your clients is important. You can’t simply send out requests or ads to multiple clients. You need to choose the right targets to save resources. 

Sending cold emails can sometimes be irritating. This might damage your image and reputation as an entrepreneur. But with the right client and the right approach, it connects a bond that gives a higher chance of closing a deal. 

Hence, creating a buyer persona is a must. This step teaches you about the “6 different types of analysis,” all effective means of creating a client list. With a people-driven data analysis, you’ll have a high probability rate of making a strong list of clientele. 

Step 3: XOTF model

The XOTF model is designed to divide sales funnels into three chunks. These are the:

  1. TOTF - Top of the Funnel
  2. MOTF - Middle of the Funnel
  3. BOTF - Bottom of the Funnel

This model teaches you how to accurately use sales funnels, especially as a beginner. Using different marketing strategies, learn dozens of techniques to increase sales. With more than 20 sales funnels, increase your conversion rate to promote your business. A funnel plan is used to incorporate data and use it to your advantage.

Added features

The Sale Funnels Masterclass is not only limited to the course itself. It also taps in with other platforms that can help improve your digital marketing business. It offers additional useful features for your business development. 

This course gives you an overview of how to operate with Amazon, Crazy Egg, Mailchimp, Facebook, and many more! From training down to advertising, the Sales Funnels Masterclass is your best friend in the field of digital marketing. 

What it offers

Sounds convincing, right? Now, let me tell you more about this course. The Sales Funnels Masterclass can give you these things the moment you finish this course: 

  • Make the best sales funnels strategies that work efficiently. 
  • Get your money back using dozens of marketing strategies in a short time. 
  • Learn and analyze the basic parts of a sales funnel. 
  • Proper sales funnel to use.
  • Promote business, brand, and organization using sales funnels.
  • Be an expert in Mailchimp and cold emailing. 
  • Increase sales using sales pages with dozens of strategies. 

This course covers everything about sales funneling. Other courses only offer a glimpse of what a sales funnel is about. But with the Sales Funnels Masterclass, it's Pandora's box for every digital entrepreneur!

Check out this 18-minute video to give you a better understanding of Small Business Lead Generation...

And what are the prices?...

How do you join Sales Funnels Masterclass?

So, how are you going to be a part of the team? It’s simple.

The only requirements are a computer, a good internet connection, and a registration fee. Just go to Udemy’s website and search for “Sales Funnel Masterclass.” 

Click on the Add to cart section and follow the steps. Pay the registration fee and wait for further instructions. Once done, you’re good to go.

How much does Sales Funnels Masterclass cost to join?

If this course is the answer to financial success, how much does it cost? Good question. You see, you have to understand that investment is part of a business. You won’t earn something without giving anything. 

As for the cost, the registration fee is $109.99 dollars.

A fair price for an online income-generating course. But wait ‘till you hear what’s more.

We’re talking about a one-time registration fee with a four-and-a-half demand video, article, 14 downloadable resources, certificate of completion, and lifetime access to mobile and TV! A very promising deal for such a price.

What else are you looking for? 

And hey. If you feel dissatisfied with what you learn and the course materials, they offer a 30-day money-back guarantee for all its students. Yes, that's insurance that you can’t see every day.

Sales Funnels Masterclass monthly cost

If this course only asks for a minimal amount of registration fee with full lifetime access, it must have monthly dues?

Let me break the egg. There’s none. 

After paying for the one-time registration fee, you get to avail of its benefits for free. No more, no less. It’s a good deal at the lowest price.

However, many people fail to realize there are ongoing costs to this business model such as...

• Weebley hosting and domain: $25 a month per website

• Call tracker i.e. Callrail $45-$145 per month or Callsling - $498 one time fee (needed- but you get one included - note it doesn't work everywhere in the world)

• Email autoresponder to track leads - $15+ a month

• PO Box (to set up your business address) - $19-$75 for 6 months (needed)

• SpyFu (competitor keyword research) - $33- $199 a month / AHrefs (keyword research) - $99 a month

• PPC ads - $200+ a month (not needed but can help for speed)

• Outsourcing (some people pay others to build a website or do some of the tasks- not needed, but a great way to scale eventually)

Sales Funnels Masterclass reviews online

There are a lot of reviews about the Sales Funnels Masterclass. Most of which are positive ones.

This course helped many digital entrepreneurs achieve financial success using their knowledge about sales funnels. 

With the right tools and strategies, your skills as an entrepreneur improve. This results in an increase in sales profit. By applying the strategies imparted in this course, your road to success is secured.

Common positive Sales Funnels Masterclass reviews

  • Educational
  • Informative
  • Light-hearted tone

Here are some of the best positive reviews I have found...

"The course is very good but l also want to see a practical application of one funnel. Nearest to that was the section on Mailchimp."

"Very informative course on planning and designing funnels!"

"Course filled in the gaps I had from other marketing courses. Really like the positive tone Leon sets, and I really enjoyed how easy and straight forward the material is presented."

Common negative Sales Funnels Masterclass reviews

  • Basic
  • Vague
  • Lacks in depth discussion

"The intro makes it sound fairly basic, but let's see how it goes."

"Well Its just introduction so can't say. As I am in teaching & consultant field for over a decade introduction felt like college teaching. But I would surely say the delivery of the lecture was good composed and smooth flow."

"I missed the explanation of the fourth thing to know before launching. But to guess it is make it conveint for them so you can have more potential."

Is Sales Funnels Masterclass a scam?

Is this course a scam?

No, it’s not.

And it's backed up with reviews from students who achieved financial success. Being skeptical is one of the main reasons why people don’t succeed.

Listen to what is true and be a better entrepreneur...

Sales Funnels Masterclass pros


Everything you need to know about sales funneling is taught.

If you’re new to digital marketing, this course is for you...

Grab your chance to know the techniques of sales funneling and incorporate them with your marketing strategies. 

Time saver

This course gives a detailed explanation about sales funnels.

In running a digital marketing business, it’s important to get in touch with sales funnels. Increase profit by improving sales funneling.


You don’t need any thorough background about sales funnels when learning this course.

The right knowledge is discussed and is easy to understand.

Make valuable deals using sales funnels and top your profit.

Sales Funnels Masterclass cons

Lacks explanation

Although this course tackles sales funneling, it still lacks further explanation.

It needs to connect the gap between sales funnels and your business as a whole. It’s not enough to simply focus on one part, you need to see the bigger picture of your business career.

Insufficient diagram

This course lacks visual diagrams that can help improve understanding.

Despite its effort to give the best lectures, visual learning is challenged and needs further development. It’s okay to imagine its structure but it’s way better if it’s explained with other diagrams.

Needs further examples

It’s better if the course gives further examples of the type of content that they discuss.

Explaining how things work is not enough. You need to back it up with examples to better appreciate its concepts.

My opinion - Sales Funnels Masterclass

Increasing profit is the ultimate goal of an entrepreneur.

The only way to do this is to seek techniques on how to increase sales and improve your income. There are many ways on how to increase sales. 

One of these is the sales Funnels Masterclass...

By learning how sales funnels play a role in business, you can earn more profit than ever before. All you have to do is be a part of the team and get down to business. 

There are also many other better online business opportunities out there that you can try now...

How I make passive income online

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