November 3, 2022

One Core Program Review: Knowing Asia Forex Mentor’s Course

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Working a 9 to 5 job isn’t easy. You spend most of your time in an office to earn enough to make a living. 

However, what if you could use that spare time and energy to learn how to trade? Believe it or not, trading can provide some serious benefits and profits if done correctly. 

It’s one of the best ways to earn money passively. 

So, where can you learn how to trade? Enrolling in an online trading course is the best way to do this. 

When you search for online trading courses, you might encounter Asia Forex Mentor’s One Core Program. Is it a legit course, or is it a scam?

In this review, we'll take a closer look at the program to see if it's worth your time and money.

This One Core Program review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

One Core Program Review

The overview and rankings

Name: One Core Program

Founder: Ezekiel Chew

Type: Trading Course

Price: $997

Best for: Beginners in Trading

One Core Program Pros

  • Good customer service
  • Ezekiel Chew is a legit trader
  • Free training

One Core Program Cons

  • Website is too salesy
  • It's expensive
  • No free trial


If you’re searching for a trading course online, you have probably encountered The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew. So, is this course legit or is Ezekiel a scam? In this review, we will discuss everything you need to know about this course.

Make Time Online Rating: 

40 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is One Core Program about?

For those who don’t know, the One Core Program is the main program offered by Asia Forex Mentor. 

According to its website, Ezekiel Chew designed the One Core Program to offer forex trading education to individuals who want to be financially free.

The program consists of eight modules that cover everything from the basics of forex trading to advanced strategies. The modules are delivered in a video format, accompanied by written materials, live webinars, and one-on-one coaching.

The program also includes a trading simulator that allows students to practice what they have learned. 

The One Core Program aims to help people become successful forex traders to achieve financial freedom.

Check out this 4-minute video to know more about this course... 

Let us then know who started this all...

Who is Ezekiel Chew?

If you’re new to the trading world, you might wonder who Ezekiel Chew is. This is understandable since you probably don’t want to enroll in a course where the creator doesn’t know what he’s talking about.

Luckily, that isn’t the case with Ezekiel Chew. Ezekiel Chew is a well-known forex trader. He’s based in Singapore. He’s also the founder of Asia Forex Mentor.

According to his website, Ezekiel has more than 20 years of experience in trading. He also claims that he started trading with zero knowledge.

Today, Ezekiel wants to share what he has learned with other people. That is why he created the course called One Core Program.

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How does One Core Program Work?

Like other online courses, the One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew contains several modules. Each module is divided into a couple of lessons. 

According to the tagline of the course, enrolling in the One Core Program can transform new traders into experts. 

The One Core Program contains 26 lessons in total. It also features 63 videos. If you want to watch all videos inside the course, you will need more than 19 hours.

Every lesson in the course is pretty short. The videos often only last 10 to 20 minutes. However, according to previous students, these videos are concise and brief. 

One benefit of the One Core Program is that you can finish it at your own pace. So, if you’re busy, you won’t have to worry about completing the course on time. 

Inside One Core Program

As mentioned earlier, the One Core Program contains eight modules. Each module is categorized into various lessons. In total, there are 26 lessons in the course. 

Module 1: MT4 Setup

MT4, short for Meta-Trader 4, is an essential software program for closing or opening trades and charting.

Today, most brokerage companies use MT4. Thus, you must know how to set up this software as a trader correctly. 

This module will teach you how to set up the MT4 software properly. You’ll need at least 30 minutes to finish this module.

Module 2: Price Action Strategies

The One Core Program Course's second module is about Price Action Strategies. In this lesson, Ezekiel will cover price action, its importance, and how to trade it.

He will also review some traders' most common price action strategies. 

By the end of this lesson, you should understand what price action is and how to trade it.

You will also need at least 1 hour to finish this module. Fortunately, Ezekiel broke down the module into several lessons you can complete one at a time. 

Some topics included in this module are pin bars, engulfing bars, bullish/bearish patterns, and more.

Module 3: Chart Reading

In this module, you will not only learn how to read charts, but you will also become a master of chart reading! 

You will learn how to identify different types of charts and how to interpret the data that they represent. 

You will also learn how to use charts to predict future events in the trading industry. By the end of this class, you will be able to read any chart you come across confidently!

This module also covers advanced topics. You will need at least 2 hours to finish this module. However, it’s incredibly worth your time.

Module 4: Strategies

This module teaches you a couple of various technical analysis strategies. Take note that, as a trader, you’re only good at your strategy. If you’ve got bad strategies, you should always expect bad results.

Fortunately, Ezekiel Chew goes above and beyond to make sure that you learn everything you need about trading strategies.

Ezekiel covers a couple of strategies in this module: price action patterns, reversals, buying at the highs, buying at the lows, and more.

Module 5: Trade Management Methods

In this module, you will learn how to manage your trades properly. Ezekiel will share a couple of various methods for trade management. 

These topics included in this module are “set and forget” trades, content on stop-loss orders, and more.

Module 6: Road to Millions Formula

In this module, Ezekiel will teach you how to transform yourself from a beginner to an expert in trading.

The module consists of a 38-minute video mainly made up of actionable insights you can incorporate as you start your trading journey.

Module 7: Trading Psychology

When it comes to trading, your mental state and emotions can significantly influence your success. That is why the One Core Program dedicates at least 15 minutes of course time to this essential topic.

In this module, you will learn how to familiarize yourself with various trading scenarios to help you strengthen your mental health and avoid making trading decisions out of pure emotions.

Module 8: Live Trading

When you join the One Core Program, you’ll also get a chance to be part of the community. Ezekiel will regularly share his live trades with every member of this community.

Of course, this can be very helpful since you’ll see how an expert trader makes his trades. It’s also beneficial if you want to engage in copy-trading. 

Check out this 2-minute video that gives you a glimpse on this course...

How to Join One Core Program?

Joining the One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew is relatively easy. First of all, you’ll need a browser and an internet connection.

Next, you need to visit the course's main website, 

Once you’re on the homepage of Asia Forex Mentor, you’ll see a button on the top right that says “AFM Proprietary One Core Program.” Click that button.

After clicking the button, it will direct you to the One Core Program page. This is where you’ll find all the information about this course. 

Next, scroll down until you see a button that says, “Click Here to Get the One Core Program.” Click that button. Then, you’ll have to choose the payment option you prefer. Next, input your contact and payment information, and you’re good to go.

One Core Program cost to join

When you want to join the One Core Program, you have two payment options. 

The first option costs $940. This will give you full lifetime access to the course.

The second option costs $997. If you choose this option, you’ll pay $0 for the first seven days. This will give you a 7-day trial of the course. After seven days, they will charge you $997.

So, to make things simple, the first option doesn’t have a free trial. If you want to test the course first before paying, you have to pay an extra $57.

One Core Program reviews online

One Core Program is a trading course that teaches you all there is to know about trading and how you can use it to trade and earn money in the future.

But is it any good?

The only way to know this is to read reviews from people who have tried it by themselves...

One Core Program Trading reviews

  • Kind-hearted teacher
  • Profitable
  • Best Classes out there

The following comments below are the common positive reviews you’ll find online:

  • “I’ll be financially free very, very soon. I can retire without worry within a few months. You have a very kind heart to teach us this system. Thank you very much, Ezekiel.”
  • “I was profitable immediately. With further experience, I will accelerate my rate of return. This is, in essence, a license to print money.”
  • “I did some research and found his classes to be the best out there. He has been a great teacher! He explains everything in detail and also gives homework. Mr. Chew wants you to succeed.”

One Core Program Negative reviews

  • Low profitability of success
  • Information is not that expensive
  • Disappointing Content

And here are the best negative reviews I seen:

  • “Since we are talking about trading, this course has a low probability of success with a meager cost to reward. You can find all the course material on YouTube for free and with a better explanation. And if you are looking for the structured way, you can find better courses for free or at a lower cost.”
  • “I expected much more from that course. This information doesn’t cost over $1000. One pro is that all information is in one course, but you can find all information for free. The other thing is that support does not work—no answer after a few days. I don’t know if these reviews are bought, but I know I spent over $1000 for “nothing.” The teacher is perfect, but the information is not that expensive."
  • “I just bought the course a month ago. I have to say the content is disappointing. All the material is a copy from James16 forexfactory, and he didn't explain concepts very well. For example, he uploaded videos explaining the pin bar, outside bar, and inside bar MA. He didn't tell you how to combine them to trade in the real market.”

Is One Core Program a scam?

When it comes to the One Core Program Course, there's a lot of misinformation out there. Some people say it's a scam. Others say it's a waste of time. But the truth is, the One Core Program Course is neither of those things.

In other words, the One Core Program Course is anything but a scam. It's a thorough and well-designed educational program to help you succeed in trading.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

One Core Program Pros

Here are some of the best things that I discovered when reviewing One Core Program...

#1 Good customer service

They have good customer service. When you call them, they will answer very politely and helpfully. They will answer all your questions and offer to help you with your problem.

They are knowledgeable and seem to care about their customers. They even followed up with people after the call to ensure they were satisfied. 

#2 Ezekiel Chew is a legit trader

If you’ve doubts about Ezekiel, you shouldn’t worry about it. Ezekiel is a legitimate trader who is an expert in his field. 

In addition, Ezekiel is already a well-known personality in the trading world. He has been featured in a couple of magazines and newspapers for his achievements in trading.

#3 Free training

If you don’t have the money to pay for the One Core Program course, you can avail the free training from Ezekiel Chew. You’ll find this free training on his website. All you need to do to get this free training is to input your name and email address.

One Core Program cons

And here are some of the things I find off One Core Program. So take note of these...

#1 Website is too salesy

One of the most significant drawbacks of this course is that the website is too salesly. It’s filled with many promises about how the course can make you rich in a couple of months. 

#2 It's expensive

Another disadvantage of the course is its price. It was too expensive. This is particularly true when you can find most of its content on YouTube for free.

#3 No free trial

If you want to test the course first to see if it fits your needs, then you’ll have to pay $57.

It’s also only available for seven days. This surely is a big turn off to most of us wanting to make the most out of the course...

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My opinion - One Core Program

The One Core Program by Ezekiel Chew is an excellent course. It’s pretty useful for beginners in trading.

Unfortunately, it was pretty expensive. In addition to that, it doesn’t offer a free trial. If you don’t have the money to pay for this course, you might be better off learning on YouTube since you can find most of the content inside this course on the platform. 

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

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Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

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This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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