February 21, 2022

Is Profit Point Autonomy a Scam? Legit Money-Making Website or Fraud?

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We all want to earn more money more than what we can spend. That’s a fact! And as an online job seeker, there must have already been many job opportunities you must have seen online.

One of which is Profit Point Autonomy.

But you are skeptical about it and asked yourself...

Is Profit Point Autonomy a scam? Frankly speaking, it is. It doesn't have a real website, the testimonials about it are fake, and there's no solid evidence that it pays!

But even if you know that it's a scam, it's still worth knowing why this is the case, and how you can avoid business opportunities like this in the future.

This way, you can distinguish scams from businesses that give you a legit way to make money online.

This Profit Point Autonomy review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Profit Point Autonomy Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Profit Point Autonomy

Founder: Unknown

Type: Affiliate marketing website

Price: $47 subscription

Best for: No one

Profit Point Autonomy Pros

  • Learn about online business

Profit Point Autonomy Cons

  • Negative user reviews
  • Fake testimonials
  • Rehashed version of Website ATM
  • Fake online presence


Profit Point Autonomy is a website which gives you videos that teach you about affiliate marketing. They then say that these will help you earn $500 in a day.

Make Time Online Rating: 5 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Profit Point Autonomy about?

Profit Point Autonomy is a website that offers you a job that pays $500 a day just by pressing a button. 

Simple, right?

Too simple actually for a job that pays that much...

It is basically an automated money-making system that guarantees an immediate and easy way of generating more money.

What it does is it creates websites as soon as you buy it and set it up. These websites will earn the money for you so you don’t have to do anything or worry about anything at all.

It also provides you with some basic training in affiliate marketing as it actually gives you the chance to learn (through a series of videos)  the processes used in this type of marketing where you promote a product through an affiliate link and get your share or commission when someone buys that product.

Profit Point Autonomy, as a whole, offers you a shortcut on how to get rich real quick.

But the question is, is that really true?

Check out this 5-minute video that introduces you to what this opportunity is all about...

Let us then know who's the guy behind all these...

Who is Mason Brown?

The owner or founder is a mysterious figure who probably will remain that way as long as the website exists.

But there is this man named Mason Brown who somehow introduces us to this money-making website through a video presentation but it is of no certainty that he is the one who founded Profit Point Autonomy.

Here he is...

Mr. Brown, not even disclosing necessary information about him, just talked about his sob story of failing financially and losing his family and house, all of that a part of the generic equation used in most scams.

But does it mean that what he said about buying, signing up, and activating the system to earn money is a whole lie and a sure road to getting scammed?

Well, read on further to have more information about Profit Point Autonomy....

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Profit Point Autonomy Work?

This website that guarantees easy money works quite simply. You just have to follow a few instructions which are also very simple.

Profit Point Autonomy is a website that sells a system for $47 and works using the processes for doing affiliate marketing.

Now, affiliate marketing is a legit business tool and it really works.

But not the way this website describes it to be!

In affiliate marketing, there’s no such thing as easy money as it takes time, sometimes a lot of it, patience and perseverance before you can profit from it.

That’s a big difference compared to what Profit Point Autonomy claims wherein there’s an automated way to earn money.

It just hypes you up and brings you farther from the reality of doing business in which “just pushing a button” is in no way your ticket to a successful financial gain.

You just have to join through the app that they’ll share to you and then proceed for a sign up.

After that, the system must be activated for it to start creating websites where you’ll get your 500 bucks.

You also have to pay for the videos about basic training on marketing you’ll be given access to and not to mention the many more upsells they have up their sleeves...

Inside Profit Point Autonomy

You have to follow a number of steps when signing up for Profit Point Autonomy...

Step #1: Sign up

Profit Point Autonomy is supposed to work once you put your email address on its website.

We all know that once you sign up for something using your email account, you’ll be bombarded by the many offers and opportunities they’ll want you to avail.

And that’s one thing why the sign up process requires this important information from you.

Step #2: Pay

Pay them. As simple as that. You have to give your payment in order for you to have access on that app that will create money-making websites for you.

If you are interested in this so-called opportunity, you have to make sure you have at least $47 and an extra $7 for their monthly upsells

Step #3: Wait

The third step is somewhat a tricky one.

After signing up and paying for it, you will be given access to some videos about how you can make money through affiliate marketing and these videos are ones that you can actually just search on Youtube.

This will go on until you get tired of waiting for them to give you that extraordinary app that guarantees you to earn $500.

And if you’re thinking about getting a refund, well, there’s a hundred percent chance of you failing to get a hold of them

With these, can we safely claim that it is a website that intends to do you no good at all?

Here is another 10-minute video that shows to you the inner workings of Profit Point Autonomy...

Also know that there are many other similar programs out there, such as:

So, now, let's move and learn about the numbers involved...

Profit Point Autonomy cost to join

The amount you will have to pay for is $47.

You will be given a payment form when you are in the process of finally purchasing it.

This $47 will eventually help you earn that $500 and so you might find it very tempting. Well, that's what they say...

What’s $47 compared to the $500 you’ll make out of it?

It seems to be a little sacrifice, right?

But that is only if it is a legitimate website...

Profit Point Autonomy monthly cost

You will not only be paying $47 but you also have to worry about the monthly cost which is $7.

This $7 monthly fee gives you continuous access to the videos that can, as per their promise, help you get the necessary basic training you need in affiliate marketing for you to gain what skills you need.

But again, those videos are found online for free so this might lead you to question as to why you have to pay for something that is actually free and available on the internet...

Let us here what people have to say...

Profit Point Autonomy reviews online

Profit Point Autonomy is a website that lets you pay $47 in exchange for the "training videos and tools" which they say can help you earn $500 in a single day.

That sure sounds nice. And regardless of whether it's realy or not, you're most likely here becuase you'd like to learn if it works or not...

One good way to know that is by knowing what people have to say about it.

I checked numerous YouTube videos and review forums like BBB and SiteJabber.

Here's what I found out, so far...

Common positive Profit Point Autonomy reviews

  • You learn something about business

Here's what what APNews says about them:

“If you are worried that if this process and system is legit or not, dont worry, this is a 100% legit system that provides you with unlimited opportunities to fuel your business.”

That's the only positive review about Profit Point Autonomy...

Common negative Profit Point Autonomy reviews

  • You can't earn anything
  • Shortcut to success is impossible
  • Fake website
  • Fake testimonials

Here are the best negative reviews:

“Absolutely nothing positive about this program is worth mentioning. There’s just a lot of red flags that indicate that this program is a scam.”

- Justin Hagen

“This program is complete garbage. The sales video is one lie from start to finish. There is NO program or system that can start making you money with a push of a button.” 

– Leo Emery

“Yes, profit point autonomy is a complete scam. You are not going to make a dime after watching the training they provide you for $47.”

– Beastpreneur

Is Profit Point Autonomy a scam?

Yes, Profit Point Autonomy is no doubt a scam.

It exists for the sole reason of squeezing money out of you without really giving you the chance to benefit from it.

It might be useful to have access to those videos about affiliate marketing and how to do it.

But bear in mind that you can watch those for free if you are just diligent enough to search it in Google and YouTube...

The $500 they promised you is just their bait to capture your interest and eventually get your hard-earned money.

Besides, with the system constantly changing its domain and name to avoid all the negative reviews directed at it, you can never be too careful with its overly hyped claims.

Continue reading to see just how bad their business opportunity is...

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Profit Point Autonomy pros

Here are some of the best things that I like about this affiliate marketing course...

#1 Learn about online business

The one and only thing that you can consider good about this website is you’ll get to learn something about affiliate marketing with all the videos you’ll be given access to.

What happens is you pay $47 and have those videos sent to you as your guide in starting an affiliate marketing business.

Profit Point Autonomy cons

And here is the other side of the coin, that you should be aware of...

#1 Negative user reviews

Profit Point Autonomy just has a lot of negative reviews from the people who subscribed to their affiliate marketing program.

Just take a look at these...

As you can see, these people are dissatisfied and disgruntled with the fact that their $47 payment, plus effort and time, all went to nothing...

#2 Fake testimonials

Giving testimonials that are fake is part of the scamming equation that you need to be aware of.

Most testimonials about this website, the positive ones specifically, are from paid actors you can hire on Fiverr.

Just take a look at these lads...

There is a hundred percent guarantee that what you’ll see online especially the reviews that uplift this website’s reputation and legitimacy are all done by individuals and freelance actors actually.

They have been paid by the people behind Profit Point Autonomy to post positive reviews about the system.

Fake testimonials, most of the time, can easily persuade people to purchase job opportunities in the form of programs, training, websites, and forget that they are falling prey to these scams.

#3 Rehashed version of Website ATM

Profit Point Autonomy and Website ATM are basically the same.

The two are just like a doppelganger of each other because they offer and say the same stuff...

They do this to maximize the chances of them scamming people because there'll be multiple choices subscribers can pay. But in this case, the payment just goes to the same creator (whoever that is).

It's also a smart way of dodging any negative reviews.

Just change their site name and they're safe...

#4 Fake online presence

If you try searching Profit Point Autonomy, the first website you’ll see is a press release from Associated Press or APNews, a paid press release distribution service that writes articles about anything their clients ask them to write.

It is actually a legit news organization and in the case of Profit Point Autonomy, the article written about it was posted by APNews.

If you look at the press release, you can see a disclaimer that says...

“Press release content from Wired Release. The AP news staff was not involved in its creation.”

So, although APNews has nothing to do with, it is worth taking note that Profit Point Autonomy really does create an online presence that is false and forged.

My opinion - Profit Point Autonomy

This website, as what you can infer from this review, definitely needs to be off your list of online job opportunities as it is neither a job nor an opportunity.

As another scam claiming to make you a few hundred bucks richer than yesterday, Profit Point Autonomy guarantees nothing profitable and beneficial for you at all.

Here's what I think about them...

You have to make it a point to remember as an online job seeker that scams are meant to tempt you and you are as vulnerable to it as you allow it to deceive you.

Successful financial gain has no shortcut.

You will have to go the long but sure way, the bumpy but worthy way. And there is no way a scam like Profit Point Autonomy leads to that kind of road.

Also, keep in mind that there are many jobs you can find online which are legitimate and can really make you earn money.

Not immediately or easily, but definitely.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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