April 7, 2021

Is Legends VIP Network a Scam? An Undercover Streaming Pyramid Scheme?

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All of us want to earn good money. If so, then you might have been told by someone about this opportunity to work from home.

But you’re a bit hesitant to believe that it really is… So, you’ve asked yourself… Is Legends VIP Network a scam? Well technically speaking, no, Legends VIP Network is not a scam.

But if it is not, then is this already a legit opportunity to make money from home and start leaving your full-time job?

That’s what this review is for because here, I’ll be showing you all there is to know about this MLM, including its pros, cons, and all the details, so you can come up with the right and informed decision.

Legends VIP Network Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Legends VIP Network

Founder: Val Smyth

Type: Streaming Service MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 10/100 ($147)

Success Stories: 2/100

Price To Join MLM: $147 subscription + $40/monthly

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Legends VIP Network Pros

  • Unique offering

Legends VIP Network Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Lacks information
  • Pirating shows and movies
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Downward trend


Legends VIP Network is an MLM which provides streaming services, while also maintaining an affiliate program where members can sell their service and recruit members to earn a commission and bonus.

Make Time Online Rating: 5 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Legends VIP Network?

Legends VIP Network is a Multi-Level-Marketing that is selling streaming services.

It’s one of the newest MLMs out there as it just started its operations in 2019. The usual content that they stream are shows from various TV networks such as the NBA, MLB, NFL, USA TV, and Formula 1.

What’s weird, though, is that they don’t confirm that they have official streaming rights to all those.

Not much is also known about their company’s background and owner. However, a man named Val Smyth is always featured on some of their videos. So maybe, he’s the guy who founded this MLM streaming service.

Check out this 5-minute video about the company:

Let's then know if...

Is Legends VIP Network a pyramid scheme?

Legends VIP Network is very similar to a pyramid scheme, or most likely is one.

This is because the only way for their members to earn money is by recruiting people. Aside from that, it’s also necessary to ask if…

Is Legends VIP Network a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

A company that offers payment to members who recruit people.

This is the main business model instead of manufacturing and selling actual products that are valuable to a specific set of consumers.

Countries and governments around the globe have also labeled these illegal as members cannot earn 

Here is a Wikipedia diagram that will explain this...

Members who somehow make some money don’t do anything aside from just recruiting other people to join this business opportunity, even if it isn’t really one.

This is proven by the diagram above. Aside from that, it’s also worth noting that this is an unsustainable business model because members are just going to run out of potential members sooner or later...

Here is a 5-minute video you can watch to see how you can spot a pyramid scheme in disguise...

Let's move and know why...

Success is rare with Legends VIP Network

Yes, you just read that right. It is hard to see success in MLMs such as Legends VIP Network.

Statistics even state that around 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are just wasting their money for nothing.

This happens because MLMs have a sales quota that they force on members.

This means that members must sell a certain number of products or services for them to receive the bonuses and commissions from the company.

If they fail to do that, then they have no choice but to just buy the products themselves. This results in members losing huge amounts of cash from their own selves before they can somehow recruit a single member.

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How does Legends VIP Network Work?

Legends VIP Network is an MLM company that operates by selling streaming services of broadcasted pirated content from various networks.

They also have an affiliate program on the sides where members can sell their services and earn from the recruitments.

It sounds like a feasible business opportunity.

But it’s really not because the company saves millions of dollars in marketing and advertising because their members are the ones who do that…

Before seeing that this is really the case, let’s learn more about...

Legends VIP Network products

Legends VIP Network is an MLM that sells only one product or service, and that is their streaming service.

Here’s an in-depth description of it:

Streaming Service ($147) - The company claims to offer access to more than 1,000 movies, shows, and premium series via their streaming service.

They also say that this is better than subscribing to traditional TV services because it’s more expensive and there’s a limited number of channels. I’ll be having a deep dive on this later...

I also found out that Legends VIP Network’s official partner is StreamFlowTV, which is the source of the networks they stream.

Their shows can also be viewed in any device, such as smartphones, computers, laptops, tablets, or smart TVs.

It sounds like a good deal, but you can only access StreamFlowTV if you subscribe to Legends VIP Network.

I've also found a 5-minute video about their streaming service:

Also note that there are many other MLMs that sell the same products as them, such as:

It's then vital that you know if...

Can you make money with Legends VIP Network?

Yes, but it’s not as easy as it sounds.

In fact, there’s just a very few number of people who actually do make money from the company.

And these guys are extroverted people who work around the clock recruiting people.

They just treat it just like a full-time job instead of the part-time opportunity you’d want.

And worse? They earn similar to or even way lower than minimum wage. They also don’t have any kind of income disclosure...

How to make money with Legends VIP Network

There is only 1 way you can make money from this MLM, and that is by:

  • Recruiting members into the company

Most MLMs usually have 2 ways, but it’s a bit different from Legends VIP Network.

This is a very clear sign that there’s something fishy about this MLM.

How much does it cost to join Legends VIP Network?

You need to pay $100 if you’d want to be a member. This is for the affiliate subscription.

Aside from this, you also need to pay $47 for the first month that will grant you access to their streaming services. And another $40 monthly afterward.

Legends VIP Network monthly cost

There’s no monthly quota indicated on their site or any other source, but even if there’s none, you still have to pay a monthly fee for subscribing to their streaming and affiliate service.

And these are the costs you are going to incur in the first year:

  • $147
  • $40 x 12

Minimum costs for year 1 = $627

But take note that the other expenses such as training, marketing, and miscellaneous stuff, aren’t yet included there.

Legends VIP Network compensation plan

MLMs have confusing compensation plans. And that includes Legends VIP Network.

But there really is no need to worry because that’s what this article is for because here, I’ll be simplifying things up…

There’s only 1 way you can make money as a member of Legends VIP Network...

You earn $100 when your recruited member recruits a new member.

They call this as their 1-up compensation because the $100 that your recruited member supposedly gets once they get their first recruit, is passed on to you.

So, the more members you have, the more $100 you get.

This is a very clear sign that Legends VIP Network is a pyramid scheme...

Here is a 6-minute video that'll show you their compensation plan...

They don't even have their own official compensation plan.

Is Legends VIP Network a scam?

There are a lot of signs that show Legends VIP Network is a scam.

First off, is that recruitment is the only way in which members can earn money.

Second, is that there’s not much information out there which proves their members are earning.

But still, there’s no solid information that says their members aren’t paid. So we can’t say for sure that they are an outright scam.

The next section of this review is going to dive deeper into the pros and cons of this company...

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Legends VIP Network

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from recruiting others into the company rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Unique offering

Most MLMs are health and wellness companies.

However, this one is different because Legends VIP Network sells streaming services.

This can be compared to Netflix, Hulu, and Curiosity Stream. That alone makes this unique and rare, which is good if you’re talking about the fewer competitors you’ll have.

What I don't like about Legends VIP Network

#1 Expensive products

Legends VIP Network says that they sell cheaper streaming services compared to its direct competitors.

But take a look at this:

You see, the gap isn’t really that big.

And even if you only have to pay $40 monthly, there’s still no assurance that it will last because again, it’s not proven if this company has the rights to those networks.

It's still better to pay a bit more to something that is legal and has an assurance that you're going to get really clear and good quality video.

#2 Lacks information

Legends VIP Network doesn’t have an income disclosure.

This is important because this is where people will see if their members are actually earning…

In this case, there’s none. Maybe they just missed this out. Or their members just aren’t earning good money.

This is a bad thing especially if you’re enticing people to join this company because people will just think that the company you are advertising to them isn’t a legit and legal one.

People want official documents to see whether or not they can make money...

#3 Pirating shows and movies

Based on the looks of it, and my research, there’s no solid evidence that Legends VIP Network gained the rights to broadcast the channels.

With this, it’s clear to say that they are just pirating the content… It’s important that a streaming provider has the rights and legal access to specific networks such as the NBA and MLB for them to operate legally.

In this case, there’s none. This also means that they’re most likely to get shut down soon.

#4 Is Legends VIP Network a pyramid scheme in disguise?

You must spend $40 monthly to gain access to their streaming service, and also stay as an active member of the company.

I know that it’s a hassle, but there’s one way to avoid this, and that is by recruiting people…

And you continue to do that even if you already know that they’re just going to experience the same hassle! Yes, that just ain’t right...

#5 Downward trend

I always go to Google Trends whenever I create a review. And most of the time, they show me a diagram.

But this time, there’s none…

As you can see, Google Trends is unable to show any diagram because not many people are even searching for Legends VIP Network or even know about it.

You are going to have a hard time selling and recruiting members of this company.

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My opinion - Legends VIP Network

Legends VIP Network is an MLM that sells streaming services, which one can say is useful.

However, they just pirate streaming rights and access to networks. Their business opportunity is also not that good, knowing that it’s all about recruiting.

Here’s what I can say about Legends VIP Network...

You need to recruit as many people as you can even if you already know that they will just lose money. This doesn’t sound like a legit and ethical business.

Good thing there are other business opportunities out there that offers better earning opportunities, which you might want to check...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

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