March 22, 2021

Is Javita a Scam? A Coffee and Tea Pyramid Scheme?

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You are reading this article, most likely because you have been told about this work from home opportunity, but you’ve asked yourself…

Is Javita a scam? To stop yourself from thinking and scratching your head… Nope, Javita isn’t a scam.

But is this a legit opportunity to make money from home and leave your career for good?

Well, this review seeks to answer that question with the help of photos, videos, pros, and cons, so that you can come up with the right decision.

Javita Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Javita

Founder: Stan Cherelstein

Type: Coffee and Tea MLM

Products (Including Pricing): 20/100 ($45)

Success Stories: 2/100

Price To Join MLM: $99 to $599 subscription + $100/monthly

What to look for in a MLM:

  • Low start-up fee & maintenance cost
  • High-quality affordable products
  • You don’t have to carry inventory
  • An affiliate-like system 
  • Generous compensation plan
  • Company is in the early momentum phase

Javita Pros

  • Established reputation
  • Easy to store

Javita Cons

  • Expensive products
  • Crowded niche
  • Hidden monthly expenses
  • Pyramid scheme in disguise?
  • Downward trend


Javita is an MLM company that sells coffee products. Aside from that, the firm also has an affiliate program where members can sell their products and earn commissions.

Make Time Online Rating: 20 out of 100 

Recommended: No

What is Javita?

Javita is a Multi-Level-Marketing coffee company that was founded back in 2004.

They sell coffee products that come in different forms, most of which being packed in ready-to-drink sachets that mixes with water.

They are also a sister company to Waiora, which is another MLM firm that sells health and wellness products.

Their founder is Stan Cherelstein. Not much is known about him, but what’s known, though, is that he is an entrepreneur who has other undisclosed business ventures apart from Javita.

Check out this 6-minute video for you to learn more about them...

Let's now learn...

Is Javita a pyramid scheme?

No, Javita is not a pyramid scheme. This is because the members of the company can still earn money by selling their coffee products without having to recruit other people.

A better question to this is also… is Javita a pyramid scheme in disguise?

What is a pyramid scheme?

A pyramid scheme is a company that offers payment to members who recruit people.

The members are compensation for recruitment instead of serving the company by selling their products and services.

Countries around the globe has already banned companies such as this because it’s impossible for all of the members to earn money from a company which only pays to recruit.

Check out this Wikipedia diagram below...

The members who earn the most money just recruit as many people as they can and sell the idea of a “business opportunity” even if they already know that they are going to lose money sooner or later.

You can also see in the diagram above that it is just impossible for all of the members to earn money in the long run because they will soon be running out of people to recruit.

Know more on how you can find these so called pyramid schemes in disguise in this 5-minute video...

But why is it that...

Success is rare with Javita

The fact is that it is hard to see success from any MLM.

Statistics state that between 72.5% and 99.9% of MLM members are losing money.

This happens because MLMs have a sales quota where their members can stay active and receive bonuses and commissions if they manage to sell a certain number of products every month.

If they are unable to sell, then they have no other choice but to just get money from their own pockets, by their products for themselves, and just hope for the best that they’re going to recruit someone soon.

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How does Javita Work?

Javita is a company that sells coffee products that come in the form of instant coffee sachets.

You can drink this by mixing it up with water.

Aside from that, they also offer the average joe an opportunity to work from home by becoming a member and selling the products and hoping to receive bonuses and commissions.

If you were to look at it at first glance, you can see that it’s a win-win situation.

But will you still say that if you know that Javita saves tons of cash because they just let their members do all the promotion and marketing instead of themselves? We doubt so...

Javita products

If you are really interested in becoming a member, then it’s best that you try out the products yourself. But if you can’t, then just try to learn more about their products.

This way, you can have an easier time sorting your way in the company, that’s if you manage to become a part of them...

Here are a few of the best-selling products of Javita:

  • Burn + Control ($40) - A coffee solution that helps you burn fat while giving you the energy needed to keep on with your daily tasks. 1 pack contains 24 sticks.
  • Energy + Focus ($40) - A coffee solution that gives you the energy boost needed while also boosting your mental prowess, helping you to focus on any mental activity you might embark on. 1 pack contains 24 sticks.
  • Lean + Green Tea ($40) - A green tea solution that cleanses your body and detoxifies it from chemicals and other impurities. It also helps you burn fat. 1 pack contains 24 sticks.

But take note that there are multitudes of other companies out there that are offering the same stuff.

Here are a few of the most notable and popular MLM companies that are also selling health and wellness products like Javita:

All these companies say that they are special and that they stand out because they offer an exclusive product.

When in reality, they are just offering the same opportunity and stuff to customers.

So now that you know this is the case, then what makes Javita special?

Javita flagship product

FocusFusion Cocoa ($45) - A coffee formula that gives you an energy boost you need to stay active throughout the day. It also provides mental clarity and helps speed up muscle recovery. 1 pack contains 30 servings.

You might also want to watch this 3-minute video about their products:

Let's now move on and know if...

Can you make money with Javita?

Yes, but it is hard to make money from Javita.

There are a few who do, but they just earn an income that is similar to minimum wage, sometimes even lower.

What’s worse is that there’s also no official income disclosure to prove that their members are actually earning. There’s something fishy going on around here...

How to make money with Javita

The only way you can make money from Javita is by:

  • Selling their coffee products
  • Recruiting members into the company and making them your downlines

But take note that you can only earn from the sales of your recruited members, and not from directly recruiting them.

This is why the company is still operational because there is no reason for the FTC to shut them down and label them as a pyramid scheme. Well, that’s where the term pyramid scheme in disguise comes in...

How much does it cost to join Javita?

You have to pay either:

  • $99
  • $599

If you opt for the cheaper $99 option, you gain access to their wholesale program. This means that you can buy their products at wholesale prices and sell them at retail prices.

But if you choose the more expensive $599 option, then apart from gaining access to their wholesale program, you also become an official affiliate member and become eligible to receive commissions and bonuses.

Javita monthly cost

Javita has a monthly minimum quota of 100 PV for you to become qualified for their compensation program.

The costs you are going to face in 1 year are:

  • $99 to $599
  • $100 x 12

Minimum costs for year 1 = $1,299 to $1,799

And that’s before you add up the other costs like training, marketing, and the food and travel allowance you have to spend money for knowing that you have to sell the products to as many people as you can.

Javita compensation plan

MLM companies have compensation plans which are outright confusing. Well, that’s entirely the same stuff with Javita. But no need to worry, though, as I will do my best to simplify this...

Javita offers 3 main ways for members to earn money. These are via:

  • First Order - Get a 10% to 20% commission whenever your newly recruited member purchases their first business starter pack. The value depends based on your level.
  • Customer Acquisition - Get a 20% to 30% bonus every time you recruit a new member into the company. The value depends based on your level.
  • Direct Sales - Get a 30% commission every time you sell an item.

Still confused, I reckon?

Well, that’s normal because MLMs always use complicated words, weird acronyms, and fancy names so that their members can think that there are a lot of ways they can make money from the company.

When the reality is that there are just 2 things you can do:

  • Sell
  • Recruit

Anyways, you can dig deeper into their compensation plan in this 5-minute video:

Or maybe just see their full compensation plan by yourself.

Is Javita a scam?

No. Javita is not a scam. Javita sells real and legit coffee products. They also pay their members correctly.

But the thing is, members are disappointed to learn that they are losing more money instead of making the longer they stay with the company. This is the reason why many decided to call the company a scam.

The next section of this review will dig deeper into this so you can decide for yourself if this is a good business opportunity or not...

Just to be fully transparent with you, I am not a distributor myself and I do not endorse it in any way.

I have researched the website, testimonials and information on the Internet to get to the bottom of what this program genuinely does. This is because I have been burnt from programs just like this in the past and I want to prevent others from making the same mistakes. If you’d like to learn how to “Spot an Online Marketing Scam” then click the highlighted text.

Tired of MLMs? Check out how I make money online here!

What I like about Javita

Key Terms:

  • Pyramid Scheme – recruits members via a promise for payment from recruiting others into the company rather than providing a product
  • Affiliate Marketing- Connecting a customer to a product they are looking for and receiving a commission for doing so
  • Red Flag - A warning sign

#1 Established reputation

Most MLMs last for just a few years, specifically just around 2 to 3 years.

However, Javita is different because they’ve been around since 2004, which means that they are operational for a full 16 years.

This shows that the company doesn’t have any issues with the authorities, which is a good sign if you want to stay with them.

#2 Easy to store

Another nice thing about Javita is that their products are easy to store. They come in the form of small sachets, which means that you won’t have a hard time storing them anywhere you’d like.

It might not be a huge benefit, but at least it’ll help you ease out the pressure of becoming a member, if ever you become one.

What I don't like about Javita

#1 Expensive products

One of the biggest downsides to Javita is that they sell expensive products.

This is a huge con because you are going to have a hard time selling the products when there are cheaper alternatives in the market such as these:

With this, you can easily conclude that there’s something fishy going on around here because of the overpriced coffee products.

#2 Saturated niche

The coffee niche, most especially the health and wellness industry, is one of the most saturated areas in the MLM community.

There are already a lot of companies offering coffee and tea products out there, which just makes it all the more difficult for you to sell the products...

#3 Hidden monthly expenses

You need to sell at least 100 PV monthly to stay active.

PV means personal volume, which is the amount or number of products that you must sell monthly to be eligible in receiving bonuses and commissions.

If you cannot sell this volume, then you are faced with no choice but to just buy it yourself just to stay active and receive commissions.

The fact that MLM companies don’t want their members to know is that their customers are their biggest client base because they regularly buy the products hoping to earn good income...

#4 Is Javita a pyramid scheme in disguise?

The only way you can avoid spending $100 monthly just to keep up with the minimum quota is by recruiting people.

Here is a diagram to guide you:

Doing so means that you can transfer the pressure and hassle to them instead of you working for it because they’re the ones who must maintain the quota.

That surely isn’t an ethical business model to begin with.

#5 Downward trend

I checked Google Trends and this is what I saw:

As you can see, Javita is having a hard time keeping up with the trend because not much people are searching for them.

I even compared this with another notable MLM company called Farmasi, and the differences between the two is very clear.

This shows that you are going to have a hard time selling Javita products because there are less people interested in it...

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I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this. 

My opinion - Javita

Javita sells legit and good quality products. However, they are way overpriced.

So, here’s what I think about the business opportunity presented here...

The fact that the only way to make money is by recruiting as many people as you can, is already a clear sign that there’s something fishy going on here.

What’s more is that you already know that majority of the members, in fact, almost everyone, are just going to end up losing money.

Javita is all about selling the idea of becoming rich by merely selling at your own convenient time, when in fact, this is just far from reality.

There are more better ways to make good money from a proper business...

How I make passive income online

MLMs are not scams or illegal. However, I'm not a fan of them because of the restrictions to the expensive products you have to promote.

Once I learnt about affiliate marketing, I realised it's a far superior business model because:

  • You can promote anything you want and truly own the business
  • You never need to sell to friends and family
  • It's completely free to start

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was.

But I went from a full time PE teacher to making a passive income online within one year...

If you want to discover how I did it then check out this special video I created which explains exactly how. You can also get your free 7-day bootcamp to get started.

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