February 14, 2022

Is Alex Becker a Scam? All You Need to Know About This Marketing Guru

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Over the years, Alex Becker has received quite a lot of mixed feedback online…

First, there are those who describe him as a very bright and successful online entrepreneur who knows what he’s talking about.

And then, there are those who claim that he’s a douchebag, rip-off, scam artist who’s earning all the money he constantly brags about by fooling newbie opportunity seekers into believing that his courses are the answer to overnight riches.

So, what’s the ultimate truth?

Can Alex Becker really deliver all his promises and help you achieve your financial goals or is he just a scam artist that should be avoided at all costs?

Well, worry not…

This Alex Becker Review is dedicated to revealing every little detail about Alex Becker so that you'll know if this is a legit way to make money online and for you to make an informed decision about whether you should invest your time, attention, and money in any of his courses or not.

This Alex Becker review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Alex Becker Review

The overview and rankings

Alex Becker Pros

  • Very popular
  • He matures over time
  • Valuable YouTube content

Alex Becker Cons

  • Fake feedback?
  • Split attention
  • Market Hero low rating
  • Many complaints

Summary: Alex Becker is a marketing guru that has multiple marketing campaigns that help people earn money online through affiliate marketing and other similar methods.

Make Time Online Rating: 60 out of 100 

Recommended: Yes

Who is Alex Becker?

Alex Becker was born on May 24th, 1988 in Dallas, Texas.

In 2007, Alex started working in the US Air Force as an aircraft firefighter.

However, 4 years later, at the age of 23, he decided to quit his job to start pursuing entrepreneurship full-time.

After abandoning his Air Force position in 2011, Alex tried to make it as a dating coach and even contributed in writing two college flirt books called “The College Code” and “Attraction Catalyst”.

At the same time, Alex was also offering services as a freelance SEO (Search Engine Optimization) consultant to local businesses through a company he had founded called “Surge Wolf”.

A few months later, Alex launched a second company “Source Wave”, which focused on providing SEO software, services, and education to internet marketers.

Alex grew Source Wave’s revenue to $4+ million/year in just a couple of years, rebranded it to Konker.io in 2016, and sold it in 2019 for an undisclosed amount of money.

Konker.io is still operating to this day as a marketplace for locating and hiring freelancers specialized in SEO services. 

There are rumors that Alex made some of his millions through promoting a bunch of affiliate marketing courses by using paid ads but I don’t believe that such rumors are true as Alex seems to be focusing on creating and promoting his very own products.

In 2015, while still running Source Wave, Alex launched yet another company called “Market Hero LLC”.

Market Hero is Alex’s flagship SaaS (Software as a Service) company specializing in providing email marketing & analytics software, consulting, and education to other businesses.

A year later, in 2016, Alex published a self-help book called “The 10 Pillars of Wealth: Mind-Sets of the World's Richest People”, which was actually listed as a best-seller on USA Today.

Lastly, in 2020, Alex launched yet another company called “Hyros INC.”, which focuses on providing ad and sales tracking software that helps companies optimize the overall performance and revenue of their ads.

Alex not only has a lot of successful businesses under his entrepreneurial belt but throughout all those years, he has also put together a vast range of online training programs, such as

  • Source Wave University (SEO course - deprecated)

  • Hero Sales Academy (Online business training)

  • H-COM (Shopify business course)

Moreover, he seems to have hundreds of thousands of followers on his social media accounts:

  • YouTube Subscribers (520,000)

  • Instagram followers (252,000)

  • Twitter Followers (4,000+)

Right now, Alex is considered an extremely popular and successful online entrepreneur, best-selling author and a millionaire with a current net worth of over 15 million dollars.

Since the reason you’re here is probably that you’re interested in purchasing one or more of Alex’s courses/products/services, please allow me to briefly expand on each one of them.

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Alex Becker’s Products, Services, and Courses Overview

Alex Becker Market Hero Overview

As mentioned earlier, Market Hero is Alex’s flagship SaaS product.

Market Hero is basically all-in-one email marketing service software that comes with a variety of features, such as:

  • Autoresponder

  • Opt-in Builder

  • Drag & Drop Email Builder

  • Email Sales Analytics

  • Earnings/Lead Calculator

  • Email Segmentation Function

  • A/B Testing

  • In-Depth Metrics

  • Facebook Messenger Suite Integration

  • & more

The price of Market Hero ranges between $19 and $950+ per month depending on the number of subscribers your email list consists of.

Nonetheless, you can test drive Market Hero for free for 14 days. 

However, please note that in order to participate in Market Hero’s 14-day free trial you’ll be asked to submit your credit card details.

If you don’t want to continue using Market Hero past the expiration of its free trial, you’ll have to manually cancel your subscription or else you’ll keep being charged until you do so.

Market Hero is mainly addressed towards established affiliate marketers who are after making data-driven decisions towards improving the ROI of their email marketing campaigns.  

Until very recently, Market Hero came bundled with a bunch of training courses, including:

  • 8X Academy 2.0

  • The VMA Program

  • Black File Sales Training

  • Full Market Hero Access

  • Full Inter Opt-In Access

  • H-Com Lite

However, that’s not the case anymore.

Right now, the only thing you’ll get your hands on after purchasing Market Hero is the software itself.

Alex Becker H-Com Overview

H-Com (Hero E-Commerce) is a 10-week online training course created by Alex Becker in collaboration with Matt Schmitt (Partner & Chief Ecom Expert of SMAR7 Apps) & David Zander (CEO & Co-Founder of SMAR7 Apps).

The main focus of the course is to teach you how to create a profitable Shopify store as fast as possible with step by step proven methods taught by several E-Commerce experts.

If you haven’t heard of Shopify before, it’s basically a platform that enables you to build dropshipping stores.

A dropshipping store is basically an e-shop that sells specific products that are manufactured, packaged, and delivered to customers by third-party companies that have partnered with the e-shop.

The vast majority of the time dropshipping stores are marketed using paid ads. H-Com mostly focuses on leveraging Facebook and YouTube ads.

Here’s how H-Com is laid out: 

Week 1: Intro to Shopify

Week 2: Choosing the Perfect Products

Week 3: Making Addicting Offers

Week 4: Branding

Week 5: Ad Targeting Masterclass

Week 6: Advertising Master Class PT 2

Week 7: Instagram Influencer Partnership

Week 8: E-Commerce Email Marketing

Week 9: Analytics and Tracking

Week 10: Bonus Content

  • SMAR7 Bundle Upsell

  • SMAR7 Express Fulfillment Automation

  • SMAR7 Scarcity Countdown Timer

  • 6 Months of Free Access to Market Hero

  • Video Marketing Influencer Course

  • Exclusive Monthly Webinars

  • High Ticket Webinar Selling Blueprint

In addition, upon joining H-Com you’ll get your hands on 

  • H-Com Master Mind Group (a private, member-exclusive Facebook group)

  • A Free Hero Nation T-Shirt

H-Com’s price varies depending on what kind of sale Alex is running at any given moment.

Right now, H-Com costs either one payment of $1997 or five payments of $597($2985).

However, a few weeks back, you could get H-Com for a one-time payment of $1750.

H-Com is mainly addressed towards those who are interested in starting an online drop shipping business and have 

  • At least $2000 to invest in purchasing the course and a Shopify plan

  • Plus, at least an additional $1000 to invest in running ads

Frankly, H-Com is a decent course on starting a successful Shopify drop shipping business…

It’s neither the best such as Dropship Lifestyle, nor the worst such as any drop shipping course on ClickBank, but rather somewhere between.

The Iron Blueprint Overview

The Iron Blueprint is a private coaching program whereas Alex helps other business owners clone the exact funnels, copywriting, and ads of his most successful campaigns.

According to Alex, The Iron Blueprint is only meant for successful business owners who are already generating a substantial income

In order to join The Iron Blueprint, you’ll first have to schedule a private call with Alex and get yourself approved.

The cost of The Iron Blueprint is unknown, probably because it varies from business to business and from time to time.

Alex Becker Sales Academy Overview

Sales Academy (formerly known as 8X Academy), is an online course that focuses exclusively on teaching you how to sell online.

According to Alex, “Trying To Grow A Business With Poor Sales Techniques Is Like Trying To Grow A Farm In The Desert”.

Frankly, I agree 100% with that statement.

Here’s a breakdown of what is being taught within Sales Academy:

  • Advanced Sales Video Copywriting

  • Proven Landing Pages and Funnel Design

  • 4-8x ROI Advertising Funnels

  • Mindsets of 7 and 8 Figure Entrepreneurs

  • Creating Products That Sell Like Wildfire

  • Sales Presentations and Webinar Conversions

Sales Academy costs $47 per month but Alex offers you the option to try it for 30 days for only $1.

The course is addressed only to those who already have one or more businesses in place and would be interested in finding out about a bunch of advanced sales tactics to boost their conversions and sales.

Alex Becker The 10 Pillars of Wealth Overview

The 10 Pillars of Wealth is the best-selling book Alex wrote back in 2016, after already having launched a couple of multi-million dollar companies.

Within that book, Alex shares the 10 necessary practices and mental attitudes you need to cultivate if you’re after creating multiple profitable businesses and being your own boss

Here’s an overview of the 10 Pillars of Wealth:

  1. Reject “Getting Rich Slowly”

  2. Separate Your Time from Your Money

  3. Accepting that You Must Be Better than Everyone Else

  4. Every Little F*cking Thing is Your Fault

  5. Adopting an Abundance Mindset

  6. Forgetting “What If” and Focusing on “What Is”

  7. Mapping Out Actions that Achieve Big Goals

  8. Focusing Solely on What Gets You Paid

  9. People Give Money to People That Get People

  10. Surround Yourself with Successful People

Frankly, most of the content found within The 10 Pillars of Wealth seems to be a slightly improved version of what some other popular self-help gurus, such as Tai Lopez and Grant Cardone talk about.

Don’t get me wrong, as a full-time entrepreneur myself, I completely agree that the 10 pillars Alex describes in his book are indeed integral for building wealth, and truthfully, I’ve come to integrate most of them in my very own life as well.

However, if you’ve already read a few self-help business books, chances are that The 10 Pillars of Wealth won’t teach you anything new.

Alex Becker Hyrod Overview

Hyros is Alex’s latest SaaS release...

The software basically focuses on tracking ad data of businesses that mainly focus on selling info products.

According to Alex, with Hyros you’ll be able to see the journey your customers make within your sales funnels, from their clicks, their purchases, where they came from, etc.

This will then enable you to make informed decisions regarding optimizing your funnels towards maximizing your revenue while at the same time minimizing your ad spend.

Hyros works with all traffic sources, including:

  • Facebook

  • Google

  • Instagram

  • Email

  • Youtube

  • etc

In addition, Hyros can be easily integrated with most major ad systems, such as:

  • Facebook Pixel

  • Google AdWords

  • Stripe

  • Shopify

  • Click Funnels

  • & more

At that moment, it seems that there’s no other software that can track visitors as extensively and in-depth as Hyros.

This is one of the main reasons that the software is currently being used by so many 8-figure companies and major influencers, such as:

  • Dean Graziosi

  • Impact Theory

  • Dan Henry

  • Click Funnels

  • Kinobody

  • & more

The cost of Hyros is currently undisclosed, mostly because it probably varies based on the needs of each company.

However, there are rumors that it costs more than $4,000.

Nonetheless, the software is meant to be used by large companies that already spend tens of thousands of dollars in ads so a $4k investment towards scaling those ads and optimizing ad spend is probably worthwhile to them.

Hyros comes with a 90-day, any-reason, money-back guarantee.

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Common positive reviews

Here are the common positive reviews about its job opportunity that we have found...

  • "If you want to start your own e-commerce business, you need e-commerce drop shipping to teach you all the basics of the business and help you avoid any pitfalls. This course will help you familiarize yourself with the ins and outs of establishing, maintaining, and running an online business without issues and generate passive income."

Common negative reviews

And here are the common negative reviews you should know...

  • "He doesn’t feel any remorse for his actions. It shows how wicked, heartless and evil Alex Becker is in reality. I hope my article helped you in seeing the true face of this criminal and it will help you in making an informed decision regarding his companies and products."

Alex Becker pros

Here are some of the best things that I like about the great Alex Becker...

#1 Very popular

As the years pass, Alex Becker’s popularity rises exponentially.

Alex seems to have created a pretty solid name for himself on a bunch of social media platforms, especially on Instagram where he has over 250k followers, and on YouTube where he has over 500k subs.

Furthermore, Alex has been interviewed regarding his success by Home Business Magazine.  

This kind of popularity puts a certain amount of trustworthiness in Alex, his advice, as well as his products.

Nonetheless, as Alex himself claims on one of his videos “never let popularity or fame affect your judgment”.

#2 He matures over time

I first came across Alex Becker when I happened to stumble upon one of his videos a couple of years ago.

Truthfully, at that time, I didn’t like him at all…

He seemed extremely arrogant, he tried to “show off” by using the f*ck and sh*t words in literally every single one of his sentences, and frankly, his overall energy was plain negative.

However, that’s not the case anymore…

Over the years, Alex seems to have matured.

Right now, his energy is much more stable, he stopped swearing altogether, and his videos have become way more focused, professional, and in-depth with touches of solid humor here and there.

#3 Valuable YouTube content

I’ve personally been following Alex Becker’s YouTube channel for at least a couple of years now.

While some of the advice he shares within his videos (especially the older ones) could be considered a little bit extravagant and unrealistic for the average human being, the vast majority of his content does indeed contain a lot of valuable insights towards financial and self-improvement.

In fact, as an entrepreneur myself, I’ve come to realize that I had been naturally applying many of the things he preaches anyway, long before I even knew who Alex Becker was.

One of the most valuable videos on Alex’s YouTube channel is the one right below whereas he talks about why most people fail at business.

It’s just 22 minutes so make sure to watch it.

And here's the other side of the story...

Alex Becker cons

And here are the not so good things that came out in my research...

#1 Fake feedback?

Alex Becker’s book, The 10 Pillars of Wealth, has received a rating of 4.6 out of 5 stars based on 700+ reviews on Amazon.

The problem is that there are many claims all around the internet that Alex bribed dozens of people with free training sessions in exchange for rating his book with 5 stars.

While I can’t really prove that this is indeed the case, I wouldn’t be surprised as many online marketers employ fake positive testimonials in order to increase the trustworthiness of their products/services.

#2 Split attention

Alex seems to be constantly splitting his attention among multiple businesses, products, and services.

Operating so many endeavors at once makes it so hard to maintain each one’s quality at optimum levels.

For instance, I noticed that on the Market Hero’s website, several buttons, slides, and sections, aren’t working properly. Also, the copyright still says “@2018 Market Hero Software LLC”

This means that Market Hero has probably received no attention since 2018.

In addition, none of the videos on Sales Academy’s landing page work. Its copyright section goes even further back, to 2016.

Apparently, every time Alex launches a new product, he just stops bothering maintaining and updating his older ones.

This results in bad user experience for his already existing customers.

#3 Market Hero low rating

Market Hero LLC has been poorly rated on a couple of company-rating platforms.

More specifically, Market Hero’s rating on Trustpilot is merely 2.1 out of 5 stars.

Furthermore, the Better Business Bureau (BBB), has rated Market Hero with an “F," which is basically the worst possible rating a company could receive.

Such low ratings definitely decreased my trust in Alex and his products.

#4 Many complaints

Last but not least, there seem to be dozens of complaints regarding several aspects of Alex’s products all over the internet.

You can take a look at some of them right below:

And where does this leave us?...

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My opinion - Alex Becker

Alex Becker is undeniably a very successful entrepreneur, best-selling author, and multimillionaire.

It is said that he started his first business with just $6,000 to his name. Since then, he has built multiple 7 and 8-figure companies all from scratch without the help of any investors.

That being said, the vast majority of the entrepreneurial advice he shares within his YouTube channel is genuinely valuable, especially to those who are after creating one or more successful businesses.

Now, regarding his products, none of them seems to be 100% trash… At the same time, none of them seems to be of the highest quality either.

As mentioned earlier, market Hero has received a lot of negative feedback and poor ratings online.

So, here's what I think about the business opportunity here...

Frankly, there are tons of email marketing platforms that could cover your needs a lot better than Market Hero, such as:

  • Aweber

  • MailerLite

  • Convert Kit

  • Constant Contact

  • & more

Hyros seems to have brought some pretty awesome results to multiple 8-figure businesses and major entrepreneurs, such as:

  • Dean Graziosi

  • Impact Theory

  • Dan Henry

  • Click Funnels

  • Kinobody

  • & more

Now, both H-Com 2020 and Sales Academy are mediocre courses.

If you already own one or more businesses and you’d like to scale your sales, then you could give Sales Academy a try.

If you’re after building one or more Shopify stores and you have like at least $3k to invest, then you could go for H-Com.

The good news is that all of Alex Becker’s products and courses come with money-back guarantees so if for some reason you don’t like what you see, you can always request to be refunded.

If you’re just starting your entrepreneurship journey and you don’t have thousands of dollars to invest in courses and tools, then I have an alternate, better suggestion for you.

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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