September 7, 2018

Can I Make Money Online?

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I read an article recently all about the drinking culture in the UK. It’s a bit off point to “Can I Make Money Online?” but bear with me… It started with a guy in the US saying the British people drink like they don’t want to live. The response from Gavin Shipman was one of the most accurate descriptions of the British culture that I’ve ever read. It was almost like hearing about my life up until this point. It is quite long so let me paraphrase for you…  

British Drinking Culture

At a young age: You get a sip of your Dad’s beer at the footy and maybe a glass of wine at a fancy meal (you are allowed to drink in pubs/ restaurants as long as you are with an adult and food- if you’ve ever watched the Inbetweeners you’ll know what I mean!!)
Not quite this young!
As a teenager: You and your mates find the local dodgy corner shop that serves you alcohol without ID. You get drunk in the park and the rebel in you gets a “buzz” from this.
Eugh! If you've tasted this you'll know
At Uni: It’s finally legal for you to drink in bars and clubs even though you’ve been going to them for the last 2 years with a fake ID. It becomes the biggest sport going to see how much you can pre-drink before you go out to drink some more. Don’t forget the nightcap/ after party when the clubs close. Your education becomes a distant second in your priorities in your first year (and only becomes a closer second as you move through). As a young adult: You need a job so you go to London (or any other city). The money is good but the price of everything is extortionate. If you don’t go to the pub you don’t see your friends. You always go out for just one drink… but there is no such thing as “just one drink”. Next thing you know you wake up on the train in a town you’ve never heard of. Drinking at the weekend seems like the only escape from the monotony of city life and the horrendous rush hour commute. You’re considered a recluse if you don’t go to the pub.
Maybe it's not just Britain?!
As a “Grown Up”: You move out of the city and have kids. Your life still revolves around work and the escape of having a beer at the weekend. It won’t be long until you take your son to watch the footy… and the cycle begins again.  

What Has This Got To Do With Making Money Online?

Funnily enough in my head… it has everything to do with it. When I logically think about this culture, it makes no sense. Why would people willingly (and continually) put poison into their body to lose self-control and feel dreadful the next day? The reason there is such a binge drinking culture in Britain is simply because that’s “normal”. It is exactly the same reason that everyone goes to work from 9-5, often in jobs they can’t stand.
There's definitely more...

Does This Need to be “Normal”

NO! Absolutely not. You may have heard the quote, “you are the average of the 5 closest people to you”. Imagine if your 5 closest friends or family members all made their income online. Do you think it would still seem “weird” or "too hard"? This is another reason why having a strong community of people around you that are doing exactly the same thing is so important. Wealthy Affiliates offers this support. Unfortunately, this is not something we learn at school or from any “formal education”. If you want to have a change in the way you go about daily life, you’re going to have to change something yourself. “The definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results” Albert Einstein  

What Can We Do?

Something that I have learnt in recent years is that there are lots of things that aren’t quite right in the world. War, crime, poverty, the financial system, the impact on the environment (I could go on…) However, what I have realised is that is so much easier to change myself than change any of these things or change anyone else (I can feel a Michael Jackson song coming on here…) We can learn pretty much anything we want by using that magic Google button or even just asking Alexa. Yet unless our thinking changes, nothing else will. If you want to find out more about what I’m up doing online click here.

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