February 2, 2022

Anthony Morrison Review: A Legit or Scam Entrepreneur?

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Building an online career is one of the go-to of many people today as it is more convenient compared to most 9-5 jobs.

With this, many entrepreneurs and marketers who call themselves gurus and who claim to know the way to attaining a successful online career are all over the internet.

One of which is Anthony Morrison. You might have heard about him and asked yourself...

Is Anthony Morrison a scam? No, he isn't. He is a legit and successful entrepreneur who is renowned around the globe. His courses are also proven effective.

But is it worth it? And does it deserve to be called as a legit way to make money online? This in-depth and accurate review will discuss it in deep details so you'll know if it's for you or not.

This Anthony Morrison review has been thoroughly researched with information and testimonials that are available online to anyone in the public. Any conclusions drawn by myself are opinions.

Anthony Morrison Review

The overview and rankings

Name: Anthony Morrison

Founder: Anthony Morrison

Type: Entrepreneur, Affiliate Marketer

Best for: Anyone who wants to venture into business and entrepreneurship

Anthony Morrison Pros

  • Legit entrepreneur and author

  • Relevant Youtube channel content
  • Affiliated with many successful businesses

Anthony Morrison Cons

  • High refund rate on products
  • Too many upsells


Make Time Online Rating: 60 out of 100 

Recommended: Yes

What is Anthony Morrison about?

Anthony Morrison earns a living by promoting courses in the market for making money online. As he has said, he is a salesperson, making this very easy for him to do.

Aside from being a skilled salesperson, he is also a strong marketer; otherwise, he would be an unknown salesman.

He is also a skilled recruiter since many promote his items for affiliate commissions. This affiliate army allows him to earn even more money.

With his ambassador club, he sells a training course for affiliates to promote his items. This is unethical because this knowledge should be provided for free. Why would he charge for this if the objective is to get affiliates to work for him?

If you have investigated affiliate marketing in any way, you have undoubtedly heard of Clickbank. That is likely the initial step for individuals wishing to promote products.

There are some questionable products available on Clickbank. It is immediately apparent that many of them appear to be scams.

While Clickbank has cleaned up its act, some defective products continue to slip through the cracks. If you decide to sell products on Clickbank, use the "gravity" filter to determine which products are truly selling. Anthony's items were once sold there. The keywords are "used."

Well, Anthony Morrison is, as I’ve mentioned already, is an internet entrepreneur, an affiliate marketer, and an author.

He provides training courses and programs, publishing services, online events, content videos - all aimed at helping entrepreneurs like him especially the aspiring ones.

He has received many ClickFunnels Awards such as an 8 Figure and two 2 Comma Awards.

He has also published numerous books for aspiring entrepreneurs. And you can find them on Amazon.

Pretty much a cool dude, right?

Indeed, he is as he’s a self-made multimillionaire. And how did he do that? Let us know more.

Here is a 1-minute video that tells you who exactly is Anthony Morrison...

Let's dive deeper...

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

Who is Anthony Morrison?

Anthony Morrison. That’s his founder. Yes, he’s the one who founded himself and who made himself famous in the marketing world. 

But the real question actually should be, what are the companies that he founded?

We’ll know about that in the succeeding subsections.

For now, let us get to know him more.

Anthony Morrison has been an entrepreneur since he was young. Due to the financial crisis his family experienced when he was young, he tried to contribute in earning money by selling candies from door to door.

Since then, he never stopped until he was able to launch his own business in the year 2005. And he was just 21 at that time.

With more than 10 years of internet marketing experience, he is now an official educator offering blog courses and training programs. He is also a speaker who has inspired many individuals interested in marketing through his talks.

So, is he a famous figure? Well, yes he is. You can visit his verified Instagram account which has more than 100k followers, his Youtube account which has over 53k subscribers,  and his Facebook page which is also a verified one with over 135k likes.

Why are there a lot of them who are so interested in him?

Well, it’s because, after he launched his first business, his success as an entrepreneur has increased exponentially and he made that happen within a period of 6 years.

And he doesn’t seem so secretive as to how he did that. He actually offers to help everyone including you to have your go at success. He uses many coaching methods in his seminars, blogs and books to help and inspire internet entrepreneurs like him.

That is why many people seek his help when it comes to becoming a successful entrepreneur and marketer.

Ready to make passive income online?

Hey, I'm Mike.

I created a passive income online within a year. I had no marketing skills or online experience when I started. 

How does Anthony Morrison Work?

If you want to give his courses and programs a try, one of the things you need to do is sign up for it.

That’s actually a basic step when it comes to online opportunities. And Anthony Morrison’s training courses work very simply.

After the signup process, you will have to pay for it and then get access to the privileges (like becoming part of their private community group)  given to its members.

You are then given training videos that will teach you about affiliate marketing, Facebook advertising, ways on how to monetize emails and also strategies you can use as an entrepreneur.

Still, coming from a talented marketer, I agree that his content has some value. Some of his teachings are unique, while others can be obtained elsewhere.

Several of Anthony's students have demonstrated that they have made money due to his instruction, but I am perhaps too critical of testimonials.

He has celebrities such as Fred Lam and Bob Proctor endorsing his products. Because they are affiliates, you should take their recommendation with a grain of salt.

If we examine Morrison's YouTube channel, we can observe that he has over 100,000 subscribers and is rather active. He uploads three to four videos per week on average.

The subjects include how to earn $1000 "quickly" on Clickbank, what affiliate marketing deals to promote, Bitcoin vs. affiliate marketing, and more.

Although he offers much free training and advice, Anthony is perpetually in "salesman mode" because his channel is a hub for selling his items.

Each video will provide a link to relevant online courses he sells. You are given a sample of how much money you can make and some golden nuggets, but you must purchase Anthony's programs to master the A-Z.

Yet, this is to be expected, as all online business gurus with a YouTube channel do the same thing.

Inside Anthony Morrison

There are many online businesses affiliated with Anthony Morrison. Some of them are founded by him. Let us take a look at some of these online businesses.

#1 Morrison Publishing

This company under his name offers training products that aim to help you become more capable when it comes to digital publishing, email marketing, and e-commerce.

In Morrison Publishing, Anthony will give choices as to which training course it is that you want or need to take. These training courses offered by him come in the form of books and self-help DVDs.

There are also ones more updated and relevant to today’s online marketing that you can find in his Youtube channel. 

He has tons of videos that will help you and motivate you during your journey in building your own online career.

There also live events and publishing services offered by Morrison Publishing and these are meant for the students taking up Anthony’s courses and programs.

#2 Partner with Anthony

This one is also a training course that aims to teach you how to earn money as an affiliate marketer. Anthony himself has been a known affiliate marketer (Remember his books? He’s actually an affiliate marketer in Amazon) for years already.

With PAW, it is guaranteed that you can generate income while going through his training. So basically, this means that you are learning and earning at the same time.

Partner With Anthony course consists of the following:

  • Online Video Training Sessions. These sessions include many very comprehensive videos that will help you learn about affiliate marketing. 
  • Commission Links Ecosystem. This one helps you earn money while you are having your training sessions. It gives you the opportunity of earning affiliate commissions through a variety of affiliate products.
  • Private Facebook Group. This online community group has many members who are very active and who would be very much willing to interact with you. 
  • Success Connection Weekly Webinars. With these webinars, you get to have a chance at asking questions to Anthony. There are also giveaways like money amounting to $1,000 and funnels you can promote.

#3 Anthony’s Books

As I’ve mentioned before, Anthony is not just an entrepreneur but also an author. He has a numerous amount of books sold on Amazon. The following are some of his published books:

  • The Hidden Millionaire: Twelve Principles to Uncovering the Entrepreneur in You ($14.45)
  • Advertising Profits From Home ($1.89)
  • 3 Steps to Fast Profits ($17.95)
  • Automated Profits From Home: Automated Money Making strategies You Can Use Right from your Home ($11.99)

With these books, you’ll be able to learn how to earn money online using the means he has used.

There are also automated techniques and step-by-step guides to generating traffic, email monetization, and Facebook advertising he has included in his books.

So it’s pretty much guaranteed that you’ll learn something especially if you are a beginner.

Note that there are many other options out there that just offer similar stuff. Here are the most prominent programs...

Here is another 10-minute video that gives you an inside look as to what Anthony Morrison is all about...

And how much shall you spend?...

Anthony Morrison cost to join

Joining these training courses and services offered by Anthony varies depending on what course it will be.

If you want to join Partner With Anthony, you will have to pay for a registration fee of $7. It has a 30-day refund policy on the initial purchase.

If you want to join another program of his, like Digital Marketing Mastermind, you’ll be paying $7 with a 3-day right to cancel.

With Digital Marketing Software, the product costs $17 and has a 30-day refund policy upon the initial purchase.

We also have Funnel Hacks Bootcamp that costs $97 and you also have a 3-day right to cancel.

As I’ve said, there are many businesses affiliated with him and the prices of each course or program varies.

Anthony Morrison monthly cost

As for the monthly cost, it also varies depending on which course or program it is.

You should also expect that there are definitely upsells that you need to purchase if you want to further your success rate.

Another thing you need to remember is that you can always cancel your subscription and you must do it according to their company policies because monthly costs might still be charged in your bank account if you end up making mistakes when cancelling your subscription.

These monthly cost charges has been one of the adversities faced by many individuals who purchased their services (as seen in BBB reviews).

And also take note that you will encur more additional costs which you may not know about:

  • Funnel builder - minimum of $25/month (ClickFunnels is $97 a month, and their sales page is built with this).
  • Tracking software - minimum of $27/month
  • Email autoresponder - minimum of $15/month
  • Ads - minimum of $100/month

So, what do people have to say about it?...

Anthony Morrison reviews online

Anthony Morrison is an entrepreneur and self-made millionaire who is known around the globe. He shares proven and effective techniques and strategies on how to make money online.

But what you really want to  know is if it works or not.

To answer this, we've checked many YouTube videos and reviews from sites like Site Jabber and BBB.

And here's a summary of what we found...

Common positive Anthony Morrison reviews

  • Legit
  • Proven effective
  • Helpful in achieving success

Here are the best positive reviews...

“It is clear to me that Anthony Morrison knows what he is doing. The concepts in this book will help get anyone a leg up, for those who are just starting out, to those who are looking to build their existing internet business'. Reading this book will get you excited about internet marketing and renew your faith that you can make money online…” - Advertising Profits From Home

“Hey Anthony, your teaching is excellent and I think your program partner with Anthony  is a great program for newbie like me. Thanks for what you're doing to impact the world. God blessing upon you.”

“Love your video and a way of helping people to actualize their dreams but guess what I don't have money: how I wish I had money to start with.”

“I bought this book on amazon 2 years ago. And it is one of the most positive and informative books on entrepreneurship I have read. Great for people who want to learn from someone who has had his back to the wall and has succeeded. If you want to know how to be an entrepreneur in today's internet world get this book now! And, like to graphic on the cover it's up to you which road to take.” - The Hidden Millionaire

“Every initiative taken up by Anthony Morrison speaks for his pure intentions. He has already gained enough success over the years. Now, the sole purpose of his ambitions is to help others become successful as well.” - Bella Maddison

Common negative Anthony Morrison reviews

  • No guarantee of success

Well, no one can really become fully satisfied with someone or something. There might be many positive feedback about him, his courses, and his books, but there are still negative comments you can also find online.

This could be for the sake of pointing out his flaws as an entrepreneur and the shortcomings of whatever help it is he offers in his seminars, books, and blogs.

Here are the best negative reviews...

“This guy promises the world and says over and over how easy it is to get rich online. He says he’ll guide you so it’d be best for you to just close your eyes and blindly follow his instructions. I got hooked with the $7 low ticket course and then was convinced that I needed his higher ticket items...I ended up losing $10,000 and without really learning how to make money online.”

“Not only that I have earned 0 dollars from my investment but when he sold us ambassador club he promised to support us with traffic temporarily to keep us going, something he never do. Now pls help me how I could claim my money via government route because via him its not happening…”

Is Anthony Morrison a scam?

You might be a little skeptical if he’s legit or a scam as there are both positive and negative comments about him and his products but as the verdict of this review, no he is not a scam.

He is a legit entrepreneur who has a legitimate success story...

There are many individuals already whom he has helped through his training courses and many have vouched that his programs have given them immense amounts of knowledge about marketing.

Yes, there are negative reviews you can find online but then again, not everyone can become like him...

It takes determination and passion to actually attain a successful online career. And if you are someone who doesn't want training and who wants an immediate way of making money then you might think that he’s a scam.

After all, what he offers is a step-by-step course and if that does not fit you, then there are others that might interest you.

But as I’ve said, he is not a scam...

Tired of expensive crappy Affiliate Marketing courses? Check out how I make money online here!

Anthony Morrison pros

Here are some of the benefits and strengths of Anthony Morrison's courses...

#1 Legit entrepreneur and author

One proof you need to be aware of as to why he is not a scam is the fact that he is a well-known entrepreneur who has been awarded by ClickFunnels and whose books have been promoted by TV hosts.

Also, his books have sold over 1,000,000 copies and this proves that people do buy his services and programs.

As an entrepreneur who has made millions of dollars out of affiliate marketing and other online businesses, he really is a legit one and that should give you assurance that he is not out there to scam you...

#2 Relevant Youtube channel content

If you try visiting his channel, you'll see a lot of his videos with a fair amount of views and comments and most of them are positive ones.

In his videos, he discusses a lot of relevant topics that would certainly interest the entrepreneur in you.

And unlike other affiliate marketers like him who also manage their own Youtube account, Anthony is someone who does an in-depth talk about topics that his viewers find really refreshing and informative.

This means that content wise, he definitely has something called content value.

#3 Affiliated with many successful businesses

If you try visiting the website of Morrison Publishing, you will see a list of the training courses and programs that they offer.

And there are a lot of them.

Not to mention that most of these businesses have good reputations in the world of affiliate marketing.

So with this, you will have  a lot of choices you can purchase with the guarantee that you are spending money on the product of someone who knows what he is doing and what he is offering to you...

Anthony Morrison cons

And here are some of the downsides of this internet icon...

#1 High refund rate on products

One of the issues being constantly raised by individuals who purchased Anthony’s products is the fact that the refund rate is too high; it leaves them doubtful.

But know that refund is only for those who gave up halfway and does not or cannot go on further with the course.

Some refunds were done out of dissatisfaction and some out of the realization that what Anthony offers is different from what online career they want to venture in.

#2 Too many upsells

Another disadvantage Anthony Morrison’s products and services has is the fact that there are many upsells you need to purchase.

So even if you start at $7, you will eventually have to pay for another one which is an upsell of what you purchased.

But the purpose of that is to further your success rate and in order to do that, you need to buy whatever training it is that is offered as an upsell.

If you think about it, giving everything to you for just $7 is kinda unfair to them, isn’t it?

After all, you’re both involved in a business deal so it should be a win-win situation for both parties.

Ready to make passive income online?

I've created a growing passive income online with no marketing skills or online experience... 

I've made a special video for you to explain exactly how I did this.

My opinion - Anthony Morrison

As a final takeaway from this review, Anthony Morrison is someone worth having as a business partner, as a coach, and as a mentor.

He knows entrepreneurial uptakes  and is very much knowledgeable and experienced when it comes to affiliate marketing.

So, here's what I can say about the business opportunity he presents...

I definitely recommend him and his courses to you and to everyone who’s interested in becoming an entrepreneur.

The success he gained is something he wants for you and how he gained it is something he wants you to learn.

So what else is there that’s stopping from giving him a shot?

How I make passive income online

In 2018 I had no idea what affiliate marketing was. 

Once I learnt about it, it just seemed like a great business model that can grow over time using the power of the internet. 

So I tried to figure it out by myself... that got me nowhere fast.

Then I fell for some terrible online scams. 

But eventually, I found Wealthy Affiliate. It teaches long-term proven strategies to build an online business with all the tools & support needed. 

And this happened...

Once you learn the process of getting thousands of people to find your website every month (for free) there really is not limit to what you can achieve online. 

I've reviewed hundreds of courses or programs that claim to help people make money online. And I've spoken to dozens of 6-7 figure online entrepreneurs on my podcast.

This is by far the best place I've seen to help beginners get set up on the right foot. You can read my full Wealthy Affiliate review here (including the pros and cons!) 

Or you can watch an insiders video I made that explains exactly how it works here.  

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